It’s ice cream week here at HonestlyYUM, and I think I may have found my calling. I traded in my bar tools (sob) for a good old fashioned soda fountain cap. At least, so I like to pretend. Got that image? Good. Now picture this: you’re wandering the street market in Bankok, and while passersby are lining up for their Thai iced teas, you’re cooling off with one of these bad boys. Don’t get me wrong, I love me a traditional Thai iced tea. It’s just that, well . . . this is better. Okay, maybe all this sugar is getting to my head. But seriously, what’s not to love? Silky, sweet condensed milk ice cream slowly melting its way down into an ice-cold and slightly bubbly bath of Thai tea. Yep, things just got real.

For the float
- 1 cup brewed Thai tea
- 1/4 cup soda water
- 1 teaspoon sugar (optional)
- 2 scoops condensed milk ice cream
For the condensed milk ice cream
- 6 egg yolks
- 2 cups half and half
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/2 vanilla bean
- 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
To make the ice cream
- In a small bowl, whisk the egg yolks and set aside. Meanwhile, in a saucepan over medium heat, warm the half and half just to a simmer. Temper the eggs by slowly adding 1/2 cup of the warm cream, whisking constantly.
- Pour the tempered egg mixture back into the warm cream. Split the vanilla bean and scrape the seeds into the mixture, along with the vanilla extract. Carefully cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it is thickened and coats the back of a spatula.
- Strain into a container and add the condensed milk. Stir to combine. Let cool to room temperature, then cover and refrigerate at least 3 hours or overnight.
- Once chilled, it's time to churn your ice cream. Follow the instructions on your ice cream maker to do so. Transfer ice cream into storage container and freeze until firm.
To make the float
- Brew a cup (8 oz) of Thai tea. Instructions may vary based on the brand you use. This is where you should add the sugar for a sweeter tea. Remember, this will be extra sweet once the ice cream melts into the float, so only add if you have a serious sweet tooth. Let tea cool to room temperature and then refrigerate until well-chilled.
- Add cold soda water and tea to your glass.
- Carefully drop in two scoops of the condensed milk ice cream. Either allow the ice cream to slowly incorporate on its own as you sip the tea, or mix it up right away for a sweet creamy treat.
(images by HonestlyYUM)
In spite of rehash I repeat some of time demons long lasting so criminal and unforgivable and unforgettable and irreparable and hateful and heinous and hideous and hellish felonies. Because they’ve huge importance in order to screen true and untrue one another and they’re as a so appropriate arm in order to time demons recognition and eradication and extermination eternally as well.
Meantime if time demons don’t be demolished a lot of other people have to pay large damages whether they want or not in future too.
Especially under these circumstances I will be coerced to punish my future partners, …in too terribly conditions properly too.
That is why as before I severely stress to firstly demonists decoding and secondly their destruction drastically by all means mercilessly too.
As a matter of fact I use from induction method In order to decipher from demonists!
Again I return to my main topic!
Some of long lasting Satanists so shocking crimes are as follows:
They’re 100 years old sufferings and sorrows sources!
To conspire versus some of my familiars,…from olden times ago and how many from our ancestors eras to now skillfully and satanically!
To made blind my martyr father, when he was alive, by medical felonies,…skillfully and satanically!
To kill my mother and father by long term multiple gradual tortures indirectly and vicariously!
To thrash and terrify and torment and harass and confuse and entangle and exhaust and anguish and agitate,… my martyr parents, when they were alive, by my metamorphosed and concoction-hit and disaster-stricken and shoot and sadomasochist and stressful and schizophrenic and bleak,… brother for long terms terribly too!
To murder my parents by medical felonies in turn!
To deny their serial murders maliciously and flagrantly as before!
To metamorphose one of my brothers to a so savage and shoot and stressful and sadomasochist and spoiled and lousy and lunatic and infuriated and intolerable and impersonal and impolite and impudent and ignorant and psychopath and projective and poop person by psychiatric and non psychiatric felonies foully and proficiently!
To sicken him mentally from more than 40 years ago by medical and non medical felonies demonically!
To sicken him physically from less than 30 years ago by medical felonies demonically!
To machinates against my bleak and boring,…brother in order to kill him by long term gradual tortures for long terms indirectly and vicariously!
On the one hand to harass and confuse and anger and anguish and entangle and exhaust us ((namely my martyr parents and I In turn mostly)) by him and on the other hand to kill him by long term gradual tortures and make miserable him hugely!
To conspires versus me from my childhood eras, especially from after Iran revolution occurrence, to now vicariously and skillfully and satanically!
To conspire against me at my past schools (specially revolution tulips high school) and universities (particularly Isfahan university as pure poop) and workplace (commerce ministry) criminally and cunningly and skillfully and satanically!
To entrust so useless and time intensive and energy intensive occupations to me in my past poop and polluted workplace namely commerce ministry and intervene in my privacy similar killjoy ceaselessly in order to hinder from my marriage with my favorite selected hot girls that were my clients from different Iranian corporations and finally to pull the rug from under me and made me unemployed criminally and insultingly and impudently and impolitely and improperly too.
To prolong and postpone my marriage momentous matter from more than 25
Years ago to now horridly and heartlessly!
To slay and sacrifice a lot of my familiars,…by medical and non medical felonies in turn ever since!
To fabricate facts flagrantly!
To misrepresent and misinterpret and invert facts flagrantly!
To embroil us proficiently!
To increase different groups of people misuses and madness and mulishesss and mercilessness and moral rascalities and devilishness and hypocrisies and falsification and fibbing and mendacity and unscrupulousness and jealousy!
To play deity and devil and death angel and master of rings roles demonically and dreadfully!
To retrogress societies structures strikingly!
To turn anywhere to foul football stadiums and wrestling saloons and boxing rings and war fronts and mine fields and public lavatories and teahouses and torture places and cannibalism and calamities centers and ahmadi physician clinics and neo-Nazi forces haunts and different demonists meeting places and rattraps and mice cities and hellish labs and hell black holes and wicked wolves hang out and master of rings place of rendezvous and moving butcheries and Satan speakers sources and rabid beasts hang out,…!
Despite my marriage,…could happen more than 25 years ago easily, to lag and lengthen their trends In so jealously and criminally and cunningly and cruelly and calamitously and sadistically and savagely and maliciously manners ever since!
To prolong and postpone my marriage,…trends till after 3 or 4 members of my family immolation!
To aggrandize my marriage matter for long years foully and flagrantly and awfully in order to commit so more felonies and obstructions and serial killings,…!
Under the plea of 3 or 4 members of my family immolation necessity in order to my marriage performance, how many machinate against my rest familiars and fans in order to immolate them by medical and non medical felonies In future in turn terribly too!
To ruin my longevity for long terms terribly!
To harass and confuse and anger and agitate and anguish and entangle and exhaust me as before!
To train and brainwash and seduce and stimulate different social strata from familiars to specially strangers in back of scene and increase their mulishness and malices and misuses and madness and misrepresentations and misinterpretations and mercilessness and mockeries and mimicries and metamorphosis and acting and hypocrisies and double bluffs,… in order to blow out my brains similar mar joy and exacerbate situation by them too!
To show anything vice versa!
To misplace the oppressed and oppressors places proficiently and diabolically!
To prevent from my proper marriage,…performances and increase my marriage,…costs considerably!
To accuse me as a liar and illusionist and dreamer guy conversely and cunningly and criminally and cruelly!
To have so criminal minds and calamitous intentions and sinister schemes on us!
To entitle time tyrannies and tartarus and tricks and tribulations and traumas and tragedies,…with so unrelated excuses inspired from different dungy demonic laws and legitimacy and literature similar world suffering and sorrow and custom and theology and Hong Kong tea ceremony ,…criminally and cunningly and impudently and impolitely!
To imitate from racism and fascism and medievalism and other similar so shit Satanism ideologies and thinking systems blindly!
To fabricate historical facts flagrantly!
To compliment from Iran so crap and crappy civilization and its hateful and heinous and hideous and hellish historical heritages impudently!
Not only exonerate Satan but also outrun from Satan strikingly too!
To retrogress societies to hell black holes and misery moats maliciously!
To eternalize me and my fans and other oppressed and open minded and enlightener,…persons appropriate animosities and aversions and antipathies and antagonism and increase our so rightful revenge flames forever!
To commit so shocking crimes similar serial killings and engineered accidents and diseases and disasters and deaths by their multifarious mercenaries such as mafia gangs and satanic sects and fire at will forces,… that are so called closer than our neck veins to us too!
To create climate wars and pandemics and environmental tragedies through misuse from scientific and technological achievements awfully!
To play deity and demon and death angel roles demonically!
Racists and fascists and racial and religious,…apartheids agents and alike are as time demons and most of disasters and diseases and deaths and deceits and discriminations,…origins!
Catastrophic-centered capitalism and doctrine of shock are incarnated Satan contemporarily!
Time despots are time demons!
Racism and fascism and medievalism and (Iranian) monarchism and blind nationalism and racial and religious,…apartheids,…imposed laws and legitimacy and lifestyles and alike are different forms of demonism manifestations doubtlessly too!
So severe forewarnings and alerts:
Following so bad and improper options never must take place. Or else blood sea will be created automatically and according to karma laws a lot of persons will be slaughtered spontaneously and under these circumstances I personally thrash and terrify and torment and terrorize my future wives,…at the outset and then mercilessly I will butcher and behead and burn and burst them alive appropriately even worse than cow and sheep and hen too.
But some of those so bad and inappropriate options that never must take place are as follows:
Contact me from Isfahan so pure poop and putrid university and other places from my hellish homeland!
Stay that as before all of evidence and facts show clearly that as long as Satanists don’t sacrifice 3 or 4 members of my family no one get in contact me in practice too.
That is why Satanists have tantalized and traumatized and tormented me and they’ve conspired versus me in my past poop university and workplace,…from more than 25 years ago to now criminally and cunningly and cruelly too.
I never become trader and alike and these too bad options must be omitted for me forever too, to others with my future wives,…centralities don’t become mutilated mercilessly! Otherwise my future wives,…mutilation and amputation are unavoidable!
No one dare to contact me from commerce ministry,….! Otherwise I will dismember and decapitate my future wives,…soon or late certainly!
Because of a lot of so reasonable justifications that I’ve alluded them frequently I never marry with that so rubbish and rascal and ruffian girl that I’d received her marriage ok with me more than 25 years ago.
That so shit and Satan and serial killer and heartless girl came from kashan city and her nasty and nauseous name was faezeh too. Her wedding with me is forbidden forever.
Meantime due to many factors that in my past informative emails and phone conversations I’ve hinted them in a nutshell frequently too, I expect that according to karma laws her garbage generation with her centrality will be slaughtered spontaneously as soon as possible by all means too. Otherwise a lot of other so shocking sedition occur afterward and it may that I slaughter my future wives,…In unsymmetrical retaliation measures terribly too. Meantime if I meet her once accidentally, I will behead her alive 100 percent properly too.
More that 25 years old girls never dare to date and wed and sex me. Otherwise I will cut to pieces them terribly and terrifically!
I extremely emphasize that all of my future partners including my future wives and cohabitants and companions and courtesans,…be less than 15 years old preferably and permanently! To my delight from them become drastic!
Because erotic lives and married lives and lovemaking with these groups of age gorgeous girls are so pleasurable relatively .such a way that they’re as personified paradise experience as well!
My future spouses,…never dare to have racism and fascism and medievalism and (Iranian) monarchism and archaism and Islamism and obscurantism and traditionalism,…thinking systems and ideologies and lifestyles. Otherwise I will become inflamed inherently and then I will be compelled to take complete vengeance on them and under these circumstances and critical conditions I will pull out their pupils from their eyes and their viscera and intestines from their stomachs savagely and then behead them terribly and terrifically too.
From now on, no one from familiars to strangers and from alley and street people to radio and TV broadcasters,…dare to pass from my red lines and hurt my feelings and force me to wars of nerves and wars of attrition and challengeable erosive responses and get on my nerves,…by their improper maliciously mimicries and mockeries and madness and mulishness and malices and body languages and jargons,…!
Otherwise all of their diabolism not only screw and shock and spoil them and their backdrop trainers and seducers and stimulators but also they will backfire to my future wives,…with so severe severities soon or late certainly too. And how often even it may that they will be slaughtered by me,… spontaneously too.
To increase our casualties by medical and or non medical felonies activate karma laws mechanism marvelously and it slaughter a lot of persons spontaneously and savagely and under these circumstances my future partners butchery and beheading will be performed 100 percent properly and perfectly too.
As before I haven’t any fiancee at all and all of news on my marriage glad news verity are as mere lie and rumor from my standpoint too. Even if they be true totally too.
Because as I’ve said frequently if I’ve a fiancee from different groups of people stances in advance, due to my pervious frequently analyses mentioned girl is as personified Satan and serial killer and source of sedition and silent terrors,… 100 percent that In this case her butchery and beheading will be counted as her minimal proper punishments too.
Because under the plea of my marriage ok, more than 25 years from my longevity has been ruined remarkably and I will be traumatized and tantalized and tormented so far such a way that their traumas never delete and my parents,…have been killed by medical felonies,…too.
And altogether a lot of full and foul felonies have been fulfilled in these recent decades demonically and dreadfully too.
With my markedly mitigations and magnanimity I give only and only one month ultimatum in order to my marriage or migration to overseas fulfillment fantastically.
Otherwise blood sea will be created spontaneously and my future wives,…must dream their beheading and butchery nightmare by me continuously before now too.
My future wives and cohabitants and companions,…proper qualities are as follows:
All of my future partners must be so passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen and teen(preferably preteen) gorgeous girls!
My future partners must be so sexy and sentimental and sensualist and freethinker and frisky and fascinating and fine and fun,…adolescent girls concurrently!
My future partners must be unique in their looks and character!
My future partners must be so hotter than popular porn stars in length of their married lives and erotic lives with me forever!
My future partners should outstrip one another In order to intoxicate and eroticize and ecstasize and exhilarate me extremely and eternally!
Their ideologies and world views and thinking systems and lifestyles must match me as much as they can!
Namely their thinking systems,…must be based on dynamic and multi-colored modern syncretic and eclectic ideologies based on sensualism and sybaritism and sentimentalism and scientism and hedonism and humanism and internationalism and epicurism and naturalism and modernism and similar superb schools simultaneously not separately too!
Instead they severely should shirk and shun from racism and fascism and medievalism and monarchism and archaism (Iranian versions) and Islamism and other alike dungy demonic and despotic reactionary ideologies,….forever!
Otherwise I will cut to pieces them terribly and terrifically!
Prime point:
As time has tyrannized and traumatized me from my childhood eras to now knavishly and unmanly and it has ruined my longevity ever since,… then from this time on I intend to indulge in sensuality and live in pleasure progressively and permanently!
From now on my prime permanent priority and plan and pressing need and profession will be revolved on my overindulgence in sybaritism and sensualism with my future passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen and teen partners!
Such a way that as if I lived In a dreamland consist of most hot and horny and open-minded and vivacious and voluptuous and attractive and affectionate and amiable,…adolescent gorgeous girls that are so hotter than world popular porn stars too!
And my marginal rest golden lifetimes will be earmarked to my favorite multicolored extracurricular plans and tasteful hobbies and abroad journeys (namely trip to my favorite foreign countries in around of world in order to feel high into them terrifically) pursuits too!
Why on one of my current fellow citizen preteen boys t-shirt that had ridden on his trickle in one of our neighborhood malls has been written ambush weird word too?
Who was or were his trainers audiences?
My foes or fans?
My future first wife and her familiars and fans or my fans and I or my metamorphosed and mulish brother?
These kinds of weird words and mysterious and metaphorical mimicries and jargons and body languages,…show that as if I,…lived in war dangerous district too.
I don’t care!
Why as before on some of people including some of my current fellow citizens t-shirts and jackets,…has been written this sentence too?
Who are their audiences as before?
Do they want to tell me that they not to care time tyrannies and traumas and tricks and tribulations,…that I’ve tolerated for long terms terribly too or nope?
This is while I don’t know these groups of people at all and I don’t demand them that they have empathy and sympathies with me too.
Indeed, are these groups of people my fans or foes innately?
Maybe they’re my future nymphet,…first probable wife representatives and messengers too. Maybe not too.
Perhaps these groups of people be radio and TV broadcasting and singers and social media and mass media and or my current fellow citizens,… representatives and massagers and speakers too.
I wish you decoded from I don’t care bizarre sentence too. And tell me that these groups of people are my pros or cons innately too.
I wish it adopted attitudes that different groups of people from familiars to strangers wear their hearts upon their sleeves and even their real be better than their seeming too!
After all, restlessly and impatiently I wait for merely and merely my marriage or migration to overseas fulfillment just according to my shoulders and shoulders in shortest time span superbly!
Because it is too terribly and traumatically and tormentingly and tragically and tediously late!
Of course time tyrants have been prolonging and postponing their trends for long terms terribly.
Because they’ve had so criminal minds and calamitous intentions and sinister schemes and nasty maps on us,…ever since!
Why as before on some of my current fellow citizens t-shirts,…have been portrayed butterfly photo or it has been written butterfly weird word too?
I suppose that one of their main meanings from butterfly word or photo revolve on my marriage okay in advance as well!
And in advance they want to instill me that my marriage glad tidings has true totally too.
Meantime as before some of people from radio and TV announcers and audiences to alley and street people,…claim that my future(first)wife is so excellent and beautiful before now too.
And as before even they congratulate my future marvelous marriage artistically and indirectly too.
And even some of radio announcers say that as a result of my future first probable wife wedding with me I will become overjoyed too.
Meantime they believe on my future nymphet,…first wife wedding with me make Hafez shirazi and god and dragon,…marriage association of ideas as well.
And they believe on my marriage is as a gigantic gorgeous historical event in national and even it is likely in international sphere too.
And they liken her wedding with me as Iran revolution recreation and Iran last kingdom dynasty demolition and Tehran metropolis milad tower birth and resurrection day emergence,… as well!
Meanwhile they assimilate me with so gorgeous calligrapher and ferdowsi shahnameh (epic of kings)writter and history narrator symbolically too.
And they liken me with huge historian too.
Some of people say and behave,…as if I would rescue Iran and its people from their historical heinous and hideous and hateful and hellish historical heritages and vicious circles and I would disinfected and purified Iran country from its crap civilization completely and rather I would substitute a so marvelous and modern and human-centered civilization for it terrifically too.
As before some of alley and street people (In past some of my sly coworkers In commerce ministry and some of my past neighbors especially with Isfahan originality) and some of radio and TV broadcasters,….such a way that they drum up to hear the wall, stress to township word such a way that from their stances my marriage,…aren’t clarified in Tehran metropolis and its countryside at all. Instead it seems that all of them have zoned on township In Isfahan province ever since.
That is why I’ve been tantalized and traumatized and tormented in Tehran province so far too.
Meantime despite they’ve stressed to township from more than 25 years ago to now, unfortunately all of evidence and facts show extensively that as long as time demons and their inwardly blind imitators don’t immolate 3 or 4 members of my family they don’t give up evil deeds and thoughts and they don’t let my marriage,…be clear in township or overseas,… In practice too. And from those turbulent times to now they’ve conspired versus me in different places proficiently and they’ve embroiled us and they’ve increased different groups of people devilishness too.
And they expect that I’ve job patience and feed and curry my metamorphosed and miserable and disaster hit and intolerable and infuriated and boorish and bleak and barbarian brother by myself and as before I endure and wait for and grin and bear it,… too.
This is while from more than 25 years ago to now my longevity has been ruined remarkably and I’ve been exposed of time tyrannies and tricks and tribulations and traumas too.
And even time tyrants crave to increase our casualties statistics by medical and or non medical foul felonies In future in turn too and if me and my fans don’t become resorted to remarkable retaliation measures and as before we don’t forewarn and warn severely and ceaselessly, how many they machinate versus them and immolate them sooner too such a way that water doesn’t move from water too.
That is why as before I’m so jittery and plaintiff and protestor properly and progressively too.
Of course as before different social strata so unrelated and improper justifications in order to entitle long term terrible time tyrannies and tartarus and traumas and tragedies and tribulations,…revolve on world suffering and sorrow and custom and Hong Kong tea ceremony consequences and theology and our test mainly too.
In any case, please decode from township weird word that has been some of social strata habitual phrase from more than 25 years ago to now too.
Meantime please tell to those groups of people that as before their habitual phrase is township and alike and that my marriage,…take place in township not Tehran metropolis and its countryside from their stances and under this entitlement I’ve been tantalized and traumatized and tormented and tricked since more than 25 years ago to now terribly too, from me whether my affairs be clarified In township or not, before of any necessary action only and only either I must marry or migrate from my hellish homeland just according to my dos and don’ts and I severely oppose with other so fatal options after long term deliberately and disastrously and demonically and dangerously delays too.
Then if my marriage is ok and a girl that want to wed me as my future first wife has huge homogeneity with my favorite trine marriage standards and only and only under these circumstances she match me, she is obligated without one moment delay marry me marvelously.
I hope that mentioned girl be so passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen or teen (preferably preteen) gorgeous girl right similar my love Lolita and alike and she contact me in our current junky apartment unit until after one month later maximally and after her extreme apology from me wed me erotically and eagerly and immediately to we set off to our marriage ceremony from our current apartment unit directly too. And after her amorously marriage with me along with my other future passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen and teen partners rejoice and refresh and rejuvenate me permanently too.
Meantime my future partners never disremember that after my consecutive dates and marriages,…with them, my prime permanent priority and plan and pressing need will be revolved around my frequently foresaid plans with my orgies and debaucheries with them pivot too.
But if my marriage isn’t feasible In this case and as before Satanists obstruct on it, it must adopt methods and policies that I quit my satanic stricken country pleasurably at once.
Except of these two non alterative options other ones must be omitted completely by all means.
So severe forewarnings:
For million times I severely stress that to lag and lengthen my marriage or migration to overseas trend even for one moment henceforth has huge hazardous and horrendous aftermath eternally.
And in this case whether my future wives ,… with my future first wife centrality want or not,they will be metamorphosed to personified Satan and serial killers and source of sedition and silent genocides and my longevity ruiners and my main persecutors,…and no need to I repeat that these groups of ghastly and gang and garbage girls are deserved hardest damnation and punishments properly and progressively too. Such a way that under these circumstances their burning and butchery and beheading alive will be counted as their minimal kingly proper punishments too.
Therefore, without one moment hiatus either my marriage or migration to overseas and merely and merely one of them must happen pleasurably and idealistically and immediately!
It is completely compulsorily and not volitionally at all.
This is as my last so frank deadline!
Game over!
For million times I repeat that keeping in mind more than 25 years old so criminally and unpardonably and disastrously and demonically and dreadfully and dangerously and deliberately delays and nasty plots and sinister schemes and serial killings and a lot of other felonies with eternal anguishes aftermath as well, contact me from Isfahan university and or any place from my hellish homeland and or pull the rug from under us and or increase our casualties statistics by medical and non-medical crimes and or impose those groups of girls that mismatch me and they’ve divergence with my fundamental triplet marriage standards and or brainwash different groups of people in order to anger and anguish me,… activate a lot of persons butchery mechanism automatically and appropriately and admirably.
Meantime they’re as my future wives,…beheading and butchery and burning alive appropriately as well.
Therore, foreget abovementioned very fatal options for me forever to blood sea don’t become created unavoidably afterward.
In these so critical conditions only and only two following options are acceptable of course just according to my frequently aforesaid guidelines and guide directions in shortest time span superbly:
My migration from my calamitous country supremely!
My marriage with those groups of girls that have huge homogeneity with my favorite fundamental triple marriage standards!
Both of abovementioned options depend to external factors not me at all.
Namely if I want to quit my hellish homeland, it necessities that I receive a so strong letter of invitation from those foreign countries that I feel euphoric into them totally everlasting!
If I want to Marry, at the outset a very wonderful girl from looks and character that has considerable convergence with my favorite trinary marriage standards is obligated to come our junky apartment unit in our current town immediately and after her wholeheartedly apology from me submit her wooing requisition me meekly and wed me erotically and eagerly and so on!
But Before my marriage or migration to overseas perfect performance we don’t abandon our current town and we don’t sell our current apartment unit at all.
And all of my affairs have been knotted to merely and merely my marriage or abroad immigration fulfillment fabulously!
And this transposition has pivotal importance for me currently too.
That is why as before restlessly and impatiently I wait for either merely and merely my future nymphet and nymphomeiac and nice,…first wife wedding with me or my migration from my hellish homeland pleasurably.
Meantime my gigantic munificence and mortification and toleration threshold are ending increasingly too.
So if my future first passionate and pretty and pleasant and playful and perfect,…preteen or teen probable partner doesn’t marry me amorously at once, I count her as main felon and personified Satan and source of sedition and silent terrors and satanic sects accomplice in order to sacrifice our generation in genocide-kind forms and as my longevity ruiner and my main torture,… and under these circumstances I will take complete vengeance on her and I punish her such a way that all of people will be shocked strikingly from her very terrible punishments by me too.
And In this case I will cut to pieces and burn her alive appropriately as well.
Then, to hasten my marriage or migration to overseas trends and merely and merely one of them aren’t arbitrarily options at all.
Rather, they’re absolute obligatorily that one of them must take place till one month latter terrifically by all means too.
I hope that without one moment hesitation either I leave my hellish homeland In best pleasurable possible forms or I begin my orgies and debaucheries with my future nymphet and nympho and nice,…partners and at the outset with my future first wonderful wife eagerly and greedily and pleasurably and permanently.
And I will sink back into voluptuosity among them eternally as well!
Because from this time on, my prime priority and plan and pressing need and profession revolve on overindulge In sybaritism and sensualism with my future pretty and passionate and pleasant,…preteen and teen partners permanently!
I hope that from now on, I can break world Guinness book record in sexual intercourse sphere with my future passionate and pretty and pleasant and playful,…preteen and teen partners permanently and even we will outstrip from world popular porn stars too! And we perpetuate our names as world sex lovely idols as well!
Albeit I welcome from my favorite multicolored extracurricular plans and tasteful hobbies and exhilarating foreign trips pursuits marginally as well.
But my prime permanent priority and plan and pressing need and profession will been revolved on my orgies and debaucheries henceforth.
Please forewarn and alert to different demonists and their multifarious inwardly blind imitators with different dungy ideologies whether with Iranian nationality or foreigner originality from me and my fans forever:
Forget not the retribution for your actions!
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!
Hit and run times has been terminated!
Game over!
We burn and fry you and perish and go you to hell in most mercilessly manners!
From this day forward, my fans and I will be eternal winner!
How many my fans and I are supreme guys!
Forward to huge hedonism forever!
Momentous message:
Taking into consideration long term terrible time tyrannies and tartarus and tricks and tests and tardiness and tiredness and tribulations and tantalizations and traumas and tragedies
Keeping in mind long lasting so unforgivable and unforgettable and irreparable and criminal calamities and conspiracies and sinister schemes and serial killings and killing of times and nasty plots and gradual persecutions and deliberately and disastrously and demonically delays
Bearing in mind my age conditions
Taking in view my family and environmental and social critical conditions
I never marry with that foul and fishy and cruel and conscienceless and unscrupulous and ghastly and gang girl that more than 25 years ago I’d received her marriage okay with me. Her old fashioned and nauseous name was faeze and she came from kashan city too.
She has postponed her wedding trend with me from more than 25 years ago to now maliciously and mercilessly in order to:
Ruin my longevity remarkably
Terrorize my personality
Torture me
Harass and confuse and anger and anguish me
Embroil us
Murder more numbers of my familiars and fans,…by medical and or non-medical felonies before or after her wedding with me satanically and skillfully such a way that water doesn’t move from water too
She mismatches me
She hasn’t huge homogeneity with my favorite fundamental triple marriage standards
She is an old maid girl now
She has had remarkably role in order to my parents,…murders by medical crimes and gradual persecutions
And so on!
Therefore her wedding with me is completely canceled and she never dares to close me. Because I cut to pieces her and I behead her horribly too.
Please forget this very ruffian and rubbish and rascal old maid girl for me forever. Otherwise Blood Sea will be created.
I wish according to karma laws and boomerang principles and tit for tat rules her familiars and she would be slaughtered spontaneously so soon. Because as long as they’re alive I will be inflamed inherently and it may that I mince and mutilate my other future wives and children,…because of this sinister and shit girl and her foul familiars existence as well.
I never marry with more than 25 years old girls and these groups of girls never dare to close and date and wed and sex me too.
Because in this case I decapitate them alive appropriately.
My future wives and cohabitants,…never dare to have racism and fascism and nationalism and medievalism and monarchism and obscurantism and philistinism and Islamism and other similar sinister and shit Satanism ideologies and lifestyles that inflame me inherently. Otherwise I will slaughter them worse than cows and sheep spontaneously.
I hope that all of my future partners be so freethinker and frisky and fantastic and fun and fine and fabulous and attractive and affectionate and amiable,…adolescent girls! Especially if they be under 15 years old it becomes light upon light too!
I extremely emphasize that all of my future passionate and pretty and pleasant,…partners be under 15 preferably!
Because as it say and it seem ((of course from ancient times ago to now these groups of age girls have been best groups of girls in order to love affair,…with them and even a lot of legendary poets and fictions and films,…motifs have been revolved on lovemaking and romance and romantic relationship and erotic adventures and eroticism,…with these groups of age girls as well)) lovemaking,…with these groups of girls are drastically delightful relatively!
Whatever girls ages be smaller, sexual intercourse pleasure with them become multiple!
For instance you must compare a little and old maid girl with a first fruit and fresh fruit with a fetid fruit!
Whatsoever all of us avoid from fetid fruits and rather we like fresh fruits we shun and shirk from old maid girls and instead incline to little girls (preteen and teen) spontaneously too. Specially on sexual intercourse stance!
Stay that they are so frisky and fun and fascinating too.
That is why as before I severely stress that only and only all of my future passionate and pretty,…partners must be preteen and teen(in turn)to through my greedily and ceaselessly orgies and debaucheries with them I will become overjoyed innately!
In any case, I hope that all of them be most beautiful and hot and horny and freethinker and frisky and fun and fine,…preteen and teen girls in turn and all of them outstrip one another in order to exhilarate and ecstasize and eroticize me extremely and eternally as well!
So, with limitless leniencies I give at most one month ultimatum in order to merely and merely my marriage or migration to overseas fantastic fulfillment just according to my pre-said guidelines and guide directions gorgeously!
I never go to Isfahan University!
I never become trader and non-trader!
No one dare to contact me from Isfahan University and other similar so sinister and shit and shitty and poop and putrid and polluted places from my hellish homeland hereafter! Otherwise a lot of persons will be slaughtered spontaneously and I will mince and mutilate and amputate my future wives,…alive appropriately afterward as well!
Stay that unfortunately from more than 25 years ago to now all of evidence and facts have showed clearly that as long as Satanists and their inwardly blind imitators don’t sacrifice 3 or 4 members of my family not only they don’t give up evil deeds and thoughts and they don’ts let any one get in contact me from even these hellish and hateful places,…but also they play the devil drastically and they conspire versus me in different places and embroil us and exacerbate situation and intrigue against more numbers of us and invert facts flagrantly,….as before as well.
Miserably they’ve immolated a lot of my familiars,…with my parents pivot heartlessly hitherto too!
And it seems from those turbulent years to now a lot of persons have expected from me merely that I feed and curry and keep and tolerate my infuriated and intolerable and metamorphosed and mulish and boorish and bleak,…brother by myself in practice too.
Albeit as before they deny this mater and instead they play pranks and project and pretend Socratic irony and shuffle off responsibility too. And as before they’re under Satanists brainwashes and training and simulation too!
This is while as before my brother toleration is as Herculean task that need to markedly mortification and munificence and self-control and restraining of anger too.
Stay that my bleak and boring brother long lasting savagery and sadomasochism and schizophrenia and psychosis and psychosomatic sicknesses and metamorphosis and madness and mulishness and infuriation,…main origins have been Satanists and not only Satanists have sickened him mentally from more than 40 years ago but also they’ve sicken him physically from less than 30 years ago skillfully and satanically too and through him they’ve traumatized and harassed and confused us with my martyr parents and I centralities in turn too.
No one dares to pull the rug from under me!
No one dare to pass from my red lines and dos and don’ts and treat with disrespect with me and insult me hereafter.
If different groups of people pass from my red lines and shoulders and shoulders and force me to wars of attrition and wars of nerves and erosive challengeable responses henceforth and anger and anguish and entangle and exhaust me all of their madness and mulishness and malices and devilishness not only backfire to themselves and their backdrop trainers but also backfire to my future wives,…several times soon or late certainly too.
From now on, I intend to allot my rest golden longevity to my orgies and debaucheries with my future passionate and pretty,…preteen and teen partners as my prime permanent priority and plan and pressing need and profession!
Meantime I welcome from my favorite multi-colored extracurricular plans and tasteful hobbies and abroad journeys pursuit as my marginal tasks henceforth too.
But due to many reasons and factors that I’ve alluded on them frequently from now on my prime permanent priority and plan and pressing need and profession revolve around my orgies and debaucheries with my future nymphet and nympho and nice,…wives and cohabitants and companions and concubine mistresses,…!
As it say satyr and joyful guys marry and date and sex,…with nymphomaniac and gorgeous girls!
Or satyr guys match with nymphomaniac girls!
Just as freethinker and marvelous males match with liberal and flexible girls too!
From now on, different groups of people from familiars to strangers good or bad behaviors and tasks and deeds on me not only rebound to themselves and their backstage trainers right alike boomerang but also recoil to my future wives and companions,…with multiple intensities too!
My marriage and married life,…trends mustn’t be catastrophic and conspiratorial and tormentor and traumatic and tragic and time intensive and tedious and tiresome any longer! Otherwise a lot of persons with my future wives,…centralities lifetimes will be ruined remarkably and it take complete vengeance on them terribly and totally too!
In any case, if my marriage is ok and a so sexy and sentimental and superb,…adolescent gorgeous girl want to wed me as my future first wife erotically and eagerly soon, without one moment hiatus please say her from me that before her first instanter dating with me in order to wed me:
Provide my favorite pre-said home pets and music instrumentals and satellite apparatus,…
Make her up a lot
Eroticize her erogenous zones and beautify her boobs
Whiten and tighten and minify and prettify her pubic areas!
Come our current junky apartment unit until after one month later maximally
After her extreme apology from me from her bottom of heart submit her wooing demand me meekly in order to wed me erotically and enthusiastically
After her amorously marriage with me till one month later worship me right alike so lovely idols wholeheartedly and refresh and rejuvenate and rejoice me markedly everlasting of course along with my other future passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen and teen partners permanently!
Such a way that I will become frantic with joy among them forever!
But If my marriage isn’t possible under these circumstances and as before Satanists obstruct on it malignantly, it expect that it adopt attitudes that I leave my calamitous country with crap civilization idealistically at once and I never return to my hellish homeland too!
In any case, I wish I could establish my grand gorgeous women apartments consist of so superb sexy and sentimental and sensualist,…preteen and teen gorgeous girls as soon as possible to as much as I can I overindulge in sybaritism and sensualism with them separately and simultaneously after this eternally!
Right now!
Not when two Sunday meet and after 3 or 4 members of my family immolation as so called alkahest after sohrab death that miserably 2 or 3 of them have been immolated heartlessly hitherto!
Right now!
Not under the plea of 3 or 4 members of my family serial killings by medical felonies by forensic medicine ground,…machinate against my other familiars and fans in order to massacre them by medical and non-medical felonies in future in turn too!
Right now!
Not as before harass and confuse and anger and anguish and entangle and exhaust me!
Don’t fatigue me any longer!
Please hurry up!
Because to lag my marriage or migration to overseas trends or to make them more calamitous and clamorous and confusing and costly and harassment and time intensive and tormentor and traumatic and tedious has huge hazardous and horrendous aftermath and not only endanger a lot of persons from familiars to strangers sacrification probability improperly, But also increase my future wives,…butchery and beheading,…alive likelihood properly too!
That is why to shorten my marriage or migration trends are as due obligations that even one moment hiatus on them aren’t acceptable and approvable after this at all as well!
One of my hometown playfellows chants in my childhood eras was:
Penis and cunt play each other!
Penis shoot!
Cunt says that it is sufficient anymore!
Penis say (answer) that one another hand!
Of course in those times they chanted it in alley and street and school,…with our local dialect delightfully too!
So central questions on my marriage momentous matter and its margins:
Is my marriage okay or nope?
Are different groups of people with radio and TV broadcasting centralities claims on my marriage glad news verity and my future first wife qualifications true or untrue?
Have I seen her, I mean the girl that want to wed me as my future first wife, ever since?
Does she match or mismatch me?
Has she my favorite triple marriage standards or nope?
If mentioned girl exist on condition that she had considerable convergence with my favorite fundamental trinary marriage standards necessarily can you:
Firstly Characterize her for me from her age and appearance and lifestyle and literacy level and thinking system and full name and originality and family structure and genealogy and current and after address,…aspects!
And for instance say me that she come from kashan city or nope?
Because as before some of social strata with radio and TV broadcasting centralities claim that my future first wife will come from kashan city and even they assert that she will be similar full moon(extremely beautiful) and her looks and character are extraordinary unique too.
Do they tell true or untrue?
And secondly say me when she will wed me meticulously?
Of course provided that she had huge homogeneity with my favorite trinity marriage standards and her marriage and married life with me didn’t necessitate that my rest familiars and fans were slain and sacrificed by medical and or non medical felonies in future in turn too.
Because under these circumstances a lot of persons with my future partners pivot will be slaughtered spontaneously.
And whether they want or not, karma laws mechanism is activated automatically and massacres them mercilessly.
Whether by me or by universe immortal eternal existence laws!
Abovementioned matters are generalized to all of my future wives and cohabitants and companions,…and they aren’t restricted to my future first probable wife merely too.
Anyway if all things are so much the better mentioned girl as my future first wife is obliged to shorten her wedding trend with me and maximally until one month later she wed me erotically and eagerly by all means.
not she imitate from times demons blindly and she exonerate Satan and under the plea of 3 or 4 members of my family immolation necessity and world suffering and sorrow and custom and Hong Kong tea ceremony consequences and theology,… through her marriage deliberately delay with me intrigue against more number of us and give green light to Satanists in order to sacrifice my other familiars and fans by medical and or non medical felonies in future in turn too.
After all, it expect that with my markedly munificence and mitigations without one moment hesitation my marriage or migration to overseas and merely and merely one of them take place terrifically.
This is as my ultimate ultimatum!
I’m in a hurry hugely.
Because it is too terribly and tormentingly and tediously and traumatically and tragically late!
Of course Satanists have lengthened its trends heartlessly hitherto!
Because they’ve had multifarious so criminal minds and calamitous intentions and obstructive schemes so far!
Please pay deep concentration that from more than 25 years ago to now I’ve tolerated too traumatic endurance and my longevity has been ruined remarkably ever since and I’ve been exposed of different satanic conspiracies in different places and my parents,…have been sacrificed so far.
And most of these kinds of maliciously and mercilessly miseries main origins return and revolve on my marriage matter too.
Because from those turbulent years to now a lot of persons have been burst and burnt and blinded by jealousy and they’ve mobilized against me in order to either hamper my marriage with nymphet,…girls or increase their marriage costs with me and enhance our casualties statistics or harass and confuse and anger and anguish and exhaust,… me and embroil us,…too.
But if my marriage or migration to overseas occurs sooner a lot of these kinds of end of the world kind misfortunes can’t occur easily at all.
So, we conclude that if my marriage trend be postponed anymore as if Satan and serial killer and monster and my familiars and fans,…hunter and immolator wanted to wed me in uncertain future when two Sunday meet.
And no need to say that these groups of gruesome girls punishments will become so horrific appropriately afterward as well. Such a way that under these circumstances their dismemberment and decollation and decapitation are counted as their minimal punishments properly too.
That is why as before I severely stress to speed up my marriage or abroad migration trends and their huge importance in these so crucial conditions too!
Altogether, I hope that until at most one month later either a very nymphet and nymphomaniac and nice and gorgeous girl wed me just according to my pre-written guidelines and guide direction gorgeously and then with passage of time their numbers increase necessarily to from this time on I feel euphoric with all of them or it adopt methods and policies that I abandon my calamitous country in best pleasurable possible forms immediately!
So central questions:
Why as before(((of course it had better to say that specially from more than 25 years ago namely when I studied in my past pure putrid and polluted and poop university in Isfahan metropolis, namely faculty of economy Isfahan university))))some of social strata from radio and TV announcers and audiences and singers to alley and street people and from some of my past fishy classmates and scholars in Isfahan university and some of my past sneaky coworkers and clients in commerce ministry to some of my fellow citizens,…have sung and said and behaved and mimicked,…as if they’ve known that which of our familiars and fans and strangers,…would saved and or would be sacrificed in future in turn and even they’ve had our ,…sacrifices statistics beforehand from their stances and even they’ve known that how we or they,…would be immolated in future in turn in advance as well?
It seems as if they previewed their audiences sacrification trends and they hunted moments beforehand too!
Can you show these groups of people real pretty or ugly insides for me henceforth?
Can you say me as before who brainwash and train and seduce and stimulate different groups of people from familiars to strangers and from radio and TV announcers and audiences to alley and street people and store staffs and shopkeepers,… in backdrop too?
Is it true that different kinds of disasters and diseases and discriminations or unexpected blessings on different groups of people interrelate with their lifestyles and thinking systems,…?
Especially in middle ages and racism and fascism and class,…counties with racial or religious,…awful apartheids these mortal matters are embossed so more relatively too.
As a matter of fact some of social strata are sacrificed with suspicious sickness and suicides or accidents,…or they’re deprived from their social rights or they’ve unexpected blessings for the sake of their thinking systems and lifestyles,…!
Please notice that in dark ages eras, so freethinker and heretic and intelligentsia and similar social strata were counted as psychopaths or incarnated demons,…wrongly and reversely and they were persecuted directly or indirectly and they were deprived from their social right in practice and even they were immolated by time tyrants and their imitators among popular masses too.
And in practice best groups of independent and freethinker groups of people were endured in their lifetimes length a lot!
Miserably not only dark ages epochs haven’t been ended in our contemporary world yet but also their diversification have increased in different forms drastically too.
And as before a lot of persons are encountered with unexpected disasters or donations due to their favorite lifestyles and thinking systems inappropriately as well.
And their lifestyles and thinking systems write their terrific or terrible fates in future even with long term tardiness too.
Why from time to time on some of people hands exist chain deliberately?
In here chain is serial killings symbol or nope?
Please pay deep attention that as far as I remind I hadn’t good reminiscences in my hometown after Iran revolution epochs in comparison with before of Iran revolution eras at all and even most of misfortunes on my familiars and I,…have been occurred from after Iran revolution occurrence chronologically and even my family gradual frustration and disintegration and some of satanic and engineered disasters and diseases about some of my familiars with my martyr parents pivot have increased from after Iran revolution occurrence relatively too.
And my parents,… were murdered by medical felonies after Iran revolution occurrence and my brother metamorphosis and madness and misery,…has occurred after Iran revolution epochs and he has been sickened mentally and physically(in turn) by Satanists in after Iran revolution times too.
And so on!
Stay that as before some of social strata from radio and TV broadcasting and mass media and think tank experts to alley and street people,… claim that irrespective of these kinds of morbid misfortunes on our familiars and I have occurred from after Iran revolution occurrence mostly but from their point of views mentioned miseries on us main origins return to Iran pre revolution epochs and they condemn Pahlavi dynasty, Iran last collapse kingdom dynasty, as main criminal too.
And even as before some of people assimilate me and my family members collective migration from our hometown to Tehran metropolis for the sake of my metamorphosed brother feeding and currying and keeping from 41 years ago with Iran revolution occurrence in 1978 too.
Altogether, please say me mentioned miseries main origins in national field are pre-revolution times or post revolution eras or both of them?
Stay that in international sphere they hint to Hong Kong tea ceremony and world suffering and sorrow and custom and discovery as long term terrible time tyrannies and tartarus and traumas and tragedies,…cause of causes too!
Please pay deep concentration that Iran revolution (1978) was caused that Iran urban-centered fascism be turned to Iran rustic-centered medievalism and altogether two forms of backwardness were substituted each other!
Central questions:
which of my familiars and strangers are my real pros or cons and why most of them misrepresent and misinterpret and mimic and make a scene and act and pretend Socratic irony and project and play pranks,… as before as well?
Of course whatever I intuit and induce it seems at least some of them are testing me improperly and impudently and impolitely as before as well!
Though under the pleas of my (inappropriate) testing and Hong Kong tea ceremony (that its Iranian version is kashefol-saltaneh) and theology and world suffering and sorrow and custom and time oppression,…it is likely some of people misuse from situation in order to tantalize and traumatize and trick me and hinder from nymphet girls wedding with me or make their marriage with me more calamitous and clamorous and time-intensive and tormentor and traumatic and tedious and tragic and increase our casualties,…too.
In any case, I wish it adopted attitudes that I could have different groups of people from familiars to strangers mind reading abilities and I could decipher from their real pretty or ugly insides hereafter too.
As before some of Iranian and foreigner mafia gangs and satanic sects are most of engineered disasters and diseases and deaths and discriminations and most of miseries cause of causes and creators and black boxes (flight recorders) and they play deity and demon and death angle roles with stygian functions and rather some of mafia bands and superb sects play aforesaid Satanists sinister schemes and catastrophic intentions antidote and counter agent and repulsive roles too!
So, let us at the outset decode and distinguish and disclose all of them elaborately and then screen and halt out them one another in order to recognize our real pros and cons henceforward!
After these huge historical mission fulfillment, let us eradicate and exterminate Iranian and foreigner Satanists as source of sedition and sickness and calamities and conspiracies and anguishes,…and instead extol from those mafia bands and top superb sects that play satanic sects and mafia gangs organized felonies counter agent and repulsive roles remarkably!
Why as before some of singers sing songs that say:
All went!
Even other social strata from some of fishy TV and especially radio announcers to alley and street people and some of my past sly coworkers and clients in commerce ministry,…approved it metaphorically too.
In any case, in here all went phrase make massacre in future association of ideas in our minds in advance or nope?
It seems as if a lot of persons must be massacred by medical and or non-medical felonies for the sake of world suffering and sorrow and custom and Hong Kong tea ceremony and theology and they must pay Iran and around of world transitional times and world change costs with their longevity ruining volitionally or compulsorily too.
Or it had better to say that they must drink aforementioned events hemlock cup arbitrarily or obligatorily!
Anway, please decode from all went habitual phrase too.
In the end, under these circumstances only and only one month has been remained in order to my marvelous marriage or migration to my favorite foreign countries fulfillment just according to my shoulders and shoulders in so supreme circumstances!
And in advance I’m preparing myself in order to overindulge in sybaritism and sensualism with my future passionate and pretty and pleasant and playful,…preteen and teen partners of course with my future first nymphet and nymphomaniac and nice,… probable wife centrality!
Because from this time on, I intend to indulge in sensuality and live in pleasure properly and progressively and eroticize extremely as well!
Please take into consideration long term time tyrannies and Tartarus and tiredness and tribulations and tantalizations and tests and tricks and tardiness and traumas and tragedies and then entitle me totally too!
Because as before I’m in the right absolutely!
Of course not according to racists and fascists and medievalists and obscurantists and other dungy demonists laws and legitimacy and lifestyles that in their lexicons all things are vice versa and facts are fabricated flagrantly too!
Game over!
I feel nausea notably from dr gholam ali haddad Adel and alike speeches hearing!
Because his trash and terrible thinking system infuriate me inherently!
Because he is medievalism and fascism and alike heinous and hideous and hateful and abolished ideologies ideologue and his trash thinking system metamorphose societies to misery moats and retrograde societies to Decius times too!
From my standpoint if gholam ali haddad Adel and alike have pivotal powers in society governance they retrograde societies strikingly and they return societies to tartarus times.
Because I severely disgust from Middle Ages and racism and apartheid-centered ideologies.
Instead from my standpoint the best eternal ideologies are homogenous hedonism and their sub-branches of course with dynamic functions such a way that all of people delight drastically!
Because we’re created to please from our lifetimes maximally!
Of course on condition that our societies structures were based on homogenous and harmonic hedonism not heterogeneous hedonism as misery moat and incarnated hell at all!
And in order to our so beautiful utopia perfect performance it necessitates that our world society become classless and convergent considerably!
Because social class has been incarnated Satan from ancient times to now!
Anyway gholam ali haddad Adel and alike are narrow minded persons in best optimistic outlook from my point of view!
Perhaps they’re power thirsty and they’re imposter or sadomasochist and psychopath or they’re world cruel capitalism mercenaries in practice!
And as before they act artfully as well!
Anyway his speeches anger me innately!
Because his thinking system are fascism and medievalism and obscurantism and religious apartheid compound that ruin societies freshness and happiness and instead inject sadomasochism-centered and psychosis-oriented sorrows and sufferings and embroil people and metamorphose them to merciless philistine puppets and propagate atrocity among different social strata and altogether they’re so reactionary that adapt with tartarus times too!
Because he deny humankind free wisdom and freedom of thought and hedonism and happiness,….that save societies from dark ages epochs endurance and bring brilliant renaissance movements for human-kind too! And they’re human kind main essence as well!
I hope that haddad Adel and alike be awakened from their double ignorance and dark delusions and convert considerably and put marvelous masterminds alike me as their lodestars and paradigms permanently!
Why as before some of social strata from shopkeepers and real estate agencies agents to alley and street pedestrians and from TV to radio announcers,… are appeared in front of me in alley and street or amid their performances in radio and TV studios on air, such a way that it seems as if their especial audiences were some of my familiars or my future first probable wife and her familiars or I too?
Of course alike other groups of people all of them know that as soon as my bleak brother be immolated, my future first wife wed me (or I abandon my calamitous country) and we sell our 2 hereditary apartment units simultaneously at once and I quit this town and even from time to time some of them eat ice cream in front of me into their shops or in alley and street as pedestrians and radio and TV broadcasting,… such a way that as if they were eating my bleak brother death and my marriage ceremonies ice cream simultaneously beforehand too.
Why as before one of our current town main electric,…stuffs sellers is appeared in front of me from time to time in alley and street purposefully?
In here mentioned electric,…instruments seller appearance in front of me in alley and street mean:
I forgive different groups of ignorant and impudent and impolite,… people projections and pranks and malices and mockeries and devilishness,…!
He want to say that I’m similar high tension electricity that dry and burn and shock and spoil different groups of ignorant and impudent and malicious and meddler and jealous and gang,…people that want to upset and spoil and screw and hurt me markedly and I transfix them in their places a lot!
Maybe he refer to some of Isfahan university faculty of economy fishy lecturers and he want to say that different groups of people diabolism or politeness main sources are mentioned faculty of economy lecturers!
He wants to say that my past polluted faculty of economy lecturers will contact me or I contact them!
He wants to send his mysterious messages to different groups of people in alley and street based upon that they regulate their behaviors in front of me by his prescribed methods merely. Please notice that as before multifarious mafia bands and mafia gangs govern anywhere and they play deity or demon and death angels roles in practice too.
As mentioned electric,…instruments seller is one of our current town main creditable and pervasive persons(of course among traditional social strata), he train other groups of people that they behave me according to him and especially his back of scene seducers and stimulators and trainers expectations.
Other things that I don’t know?
Please decode from mentioned seller too. And say me why he is appeared in front of me in alley and street from time to time deliberately and who are his audiences and is he pro or con too?
Of course except of him, other social strata from some of our current town real estate agency agents to policemen and postmen and ambulance staffs and butchers and other shopkeepers,…are appeared in front of me in alley and street,… purposefully too.
Please decode from all of them and show their real ugly or pretty insides for me henceforth too.
Of course I hope that mentioned electric,…instruments seller doesn’t make my past poisonous and putrid faculty of economy poop professors association of ideas at all that under these circumstances I will become inflamed innately. And I never contact with those fishy and fool and flagrant and crap lecturers and I never let that they contact me and even I skin and butcher and behead my future wives,…if they dare to contact me from that pure poop place once too. Of course after more than 25 years old deliberately and disastrously and dreadfully and demonically and dangerously delays and deceits and after 3 or 4 members of my family probable sacrification, except of my marvelous marriage or migration to overseas, any contact with me from my hellish homeland are counted as so criminal and insulting and impudently task that inflame me innately too.
Satanists have made me their animal magnetism and they’ve been perpetrated a lot of horrific felonies even in form of my parents,…serial killings from more than 25 years ago to now((( stay that their gruesome felonies oldness return to too far years ago and even with one hundred years oldness that from after Iran revolution occurrences they’ve increased gradually too))) and they’ve conspired versus me in my past poop university and workplace(and before them at my past schools,…) and they’ve killed my parents,… and they’ve worsened my bleak brother mental system and they’ve sickened him physically and not only they want to kill him by long term gradual tortures indirectly but also they want to harass and confuse and anger and anguish and fatigue his familiars,…with his martyr parents(when they haven’t been immolated) and I by him in turn too and not only as long as they don’t sacrifice 3 or 4 members of my family, they don’t give up evil deeds and thoughts and they don’t permit any person get in contact me from that crap university,… and particularly they don’t permit my proper marriage or migration to overseas be fulfilled,…but also they’ve had my other familiars and fans,…silent killings sinister schemes by medical and non-medical felonies in their nasty brains satanically and if my fans and I don’t become to very mercilessly retaliation measures and informative and disclosed-kind and decoder-kind marvelous messages and as before we don’t present our very proper plaintiffs and protests and forewarnings, how many they massacre our generations,…in genocide kind forms soon or late in turn too. Especially by medical felonies and engineered diseases creation and under the pleas of world suffering and sorrow and custom and Hong Kong tea ceremony consequences and theology and other very unrelated excuses that have adaptation with multifarious internal and international satanic laws and legitimacy too!
Please notice that as before some of persons that are mentioned poop and putrid and polluted faculty of economy lecturers doppelgangers, are appeared in front of me in alley and street or in TV and especially radio studios covers too.
Of course these bizarre behaviors aren’t restricted to our current real estate agencies agents and aforesaid electric,…instruments seller and other shopkeepers. Rather as before a lot of persons whether in our current town or in radio and TV broadcasting,…sham quarrel and mock and mimic and make a scene and act ad use from cants and coded words,… as well. That they’re our real pros or cons as before I can’t present any fixed opinion at all. And I entrust them to passage of times and other conscientious and conscious and insightful persons interactive information interchanges with me,… forever.
Please forget Isfahan University for me forever. Otherwise blood sea will be created and not only according to proper karma laws a lot of its poop personnel will be slaughtered spontaneously but also my future wives and cohabitants,…dismemberment and decapitation will be performed peremptorily and I will thrash and behead them totally too.
Stay that it seems that my suitable university field must have been foreign languages applied fields and my 2 past university fields were wrong and inapropperiate for me markedly too.
Of courses best fields for me were practical modern musician and sport courses and international navigators and astronavigation and bombers piloting and international tourism and horse and cow and dog,…breading and alike!
Stay that I’ve intrinsic talent in order to play Iran,…renaissance resurrection prophet role too.
Because I strongly believe on my thinking system are extraordinary unique!
Please notice that times demons have deprived me from my childhood and adolescence and youth,…proper pleasures and instead they’ve imposed time sufferings and sorrows to me with eternal anguishes aftermath as well. And in these 2 or 3 recent decades they’ve increased their hideous and heinous felonies tempos in different domains drastically too and as before their excuses revolve on Hong Kong tea ceremony consequences and world suffering and sorrow and custom and Iran last kingdom dynasty felonies aftermath and Iran revolution cost and 3 or 4 members of my family immolation necessity and theology and test(hellish tests),… too.
Stay that I never become trader and non-trader too. And these morbid and improper occupations must be omitted for me forever too.
Rather, keeping in mind long term time oppression and calamities and conspiracies with eternal anguishes aftermath as well, I intend to allot my rest golden lifetime to my greedily and pleasurably and permanently sensualism and sybaritism with my future passionate and pretty,…preteen and teen and only these groups of age gorgeous girls as my prime profession and plan and priority and pressing need and to pursue my favorite multi-colored extracurricular plans and tasteful hobbies and exhilarating abroad trip as my marginal tasks forever.
Altogether, I intend to become sunk back into voluptuosity henceforth and as a result of day and night ceaseless orgies and debaucheries with my future passionate and pretty,…preteen and teen partners…I feel high forever.
Why one of our current town neighborhood chain stores staffs said with her client or colleague mysteriously in front of me last days:
I’m coerced to look at that sinister person every day!
Did she refer to my metamorphosed and mad and mulish and disaster-hit and concoction-stricken and boorish and boring and bleak,…brother
She hinted to me!
She alluded to the girl that wanted to wed me as my future first wife and her familiars and fans
My fans or foes
Her audiences weren’t me,…?
As I’ve said before for you, last days a young girl with busty boobs was appeared in front of me in one of our neighborhood chain stores entrance door.
She had worn a dark blue Manteau.
She claimed that she had been sickened and she should take pills.
Unhappily I didn’t look at her appearance.
Maybe mentioned young girl or woman was my future first probable wife doubleganger or representative too.
Her busty boobs was similar those groups of girls and women breasts that they’ve reached to their climax and orgasm with their partners and their boobs have been puffed and erected and deformed drastically!
As you know better than me amid sexual intercourse when male and female are in their climax phase, males penis become puffed and erected and enlarged and females breasts become puffed.
Although females cunt become puffed too.
Meantime when females reach to their climax state, they puff and blow and they shed tears satisfactorily and their faces are blushed,… too. That gradually all of these things are disappeared and return to their normal state in a few minutes after end of their climax and orgasm too.
In any case, females deformed and enlarged and puffed cunts and breasts show that they’ve experienced their climax and orgasm amid their sexual intercourse with their partners or in their middle of onanism too!
Anyway, that young female busty boob intoxicated me spontaneously. Such a way that at that moment I desired to close her and rubbed and kissed and licked and smacked and bitted her busty tit ceaselessly and greedily and lasciviously even in public too!
I wish I could rub my dick into her two breast interval or on her nipples and other breasts areas,… and with sexual intercourse with her boobs I reached to my orgasm and I ejaculated enthusiastically as well. Especially into bathroom or on green space or on best world landscape islands beaches,…!
Indeed, was mentioned female my future first wife doppelganger or not?
Did she want to make my sexual intercourse with my future first nymphet probable wife association of ideas in advance or nope?
In any case, I extremely love pretty and passionate,…preteen and teen erected and puffed cunts and boobs,… and I hope that as much as can I sex them especially with their boobs and cunts,…right similar porn stars in my rest praiseworthy longevity too.
Anyway please show different groups of people real ugly or pretty insides for me henceforth.
It seems as before all of them have backdrops trainers and they are guided by their back of scene seducers and trainers that belong to different mafia bands or mafia gangs and satanic or supreme sects that play god or Satan roles too.
Please notice that mafia bands and mafia gangs and good sects and grisly sects govern anywhere in practice as before and they play deity and demon roles too.
In any case, keeping in mind long lasting so criminal time oppression and calamities and conspiracies with eternal anguishes aftermath as well, only and only either I must abandon my hellish homeland idealistically and immediately or a very nymphet and nympho and nice,…gorgeous girl wed me just according to my dos and don’ts as my future first wife at once and then with passage of times their numbers increase to my rejoicing become multiple.
Because from now on, my prime priority and plan and pressing need and profession revolve on my greedily and pleasurably and permanently orgies and debaucheries with them.
Miserably as before different forms of fatal and fetid and foul racial and religious,… apartheids have cancerously growths in Iran and around of world and a lot of persons peculiarly me have been hurt horribly and even a lot of persons in Iran and around of world have been immolated from them hugely and even most of dreadful and demonic disasters and diseases and deaths and discriminations origins and different groups of people misfortunes and malices and diabolism and devilishness and moral rascalities,… cause of causes revolve on them too.
From my standpoint, Iran country internal sworn foes from ancient times to now have been monarchism and medievalism in turn.
Of course monarchism has been medievalism creator ever since and these 2 ominous and shit and shitty satanic pivots have been each other complementary in length of history and their skirmishes each other have been deviational too. And even their existence continuation have been interrelated one another in length of history too. Even if these two shit sects be each other sworn foes, but their lifetimes continuity has been interrelated each other in length of history.
I believe on In order to save Iran (and alike Middle East countries) from its (their) historical vicious circles firstly all of monarchism manifestations must be demolished and secondly all of medievalism manifestations must be destroyed drastically everlasting.
Because monarchism=rotted roots and cause of causes!
Medievalism =stinky branches and effects!
Damn to Iranian monarchism and medievalism and I hope that both of them be eradicated and exterminated and exploded, in turn, eternally.
Iran and alike countries crap and crappy civilizations and hateful and heinous and hideous and hellish historical heritages annihilation and extinction are as their salvation keys and get rid of themselves from their historical vicious circles, I think!
Taking into account long term terrible time tyrannies and tartarus and tribulations and tests and traumas and tragedies and tricks and tardiness and a lot of other so criminal and unforgivable and unforgettable and irreparable horrible long lasting felonies it expect that without one moment hiatus either most marvelous adolescent and just adolescent girl, preferably 9 to 14 years old, that has maximal overlaps with my favorite trinity marriage standards marry me just according to my guidelines and guide directions and recommendations erotically and enthusiastically right away and after her instanter wedding with me, their numbers increase with passage of time to I feel euphoric with all of them permanently or I leave my hellish homeland idealistically at once.
Otherwise blood sea will be created and according to karma laws a lot of persons will be slaughtered spontaneously and under these circumstance my future wives,…butchery and beheading(alive)are unavoidable and indispensable as well.
My marvelous marriage or migration to overseas must happen Right now, not after 3 or 4 members of my family unmanly immolation in so called resurrection morning!
I never let my marriage cause to our silent genocide!
Why as before on some of my fellow citizens t-shirts,… has been written catch!
It seems as if my doublegangers and bodyguards played good and gorgeous dogs roles that caught and grabbed malignant mafia gangs and satanic sects in alley and street,…!
Why as before on some of people t-shirts and bags and cars,…has been written king?
In here from their stances they want to instill me,…that:
long term even with one hundred years old oldness engineered accidents and disasters and diseases and deaths and deceits and discriminations,…main felon and different groups of people diabolism and malices main culprit has been Iran last late king and his imitators and mercenaries and ominous dynasty
They want to say that they like kingdom as best system for Iran governance afterward!
They want to assimilate me with king with positive perspective and they want liken me with Iran and world king or god with positive approach!
They want to say that world kings are my doppelgangers and bodyguards!
They’re tantalizing and testing me,…?
Please decipher from king too.
Never give up!
As before on some of my current town inhabitants and fellow citizens,…t-shirts,…has been written never give up phrase too.
Do they want to say me that I never give up versus time tyrannies and tyrants and their total tartarus terms and rather as before I continue my job patience and self-control and restraining of anger and munificence and mortification that need to extreme endurance and carry on my very generous tasks and informative and inspiring messages in different domains in order to others saving from double ignorance and total tartarus and misunderstandings and misinterpretations and miseries moats and end of the world kind disasters and feed and curry my very intolerable and infuriated and electuary-stricken and boring and bleak and boorish and boycotted ,…brother by myself and according to immortal karma laws I wait for my long term fortification and job patience and generosity,…appropriate aftermath in form of big prizes especially on my marriage matter and my marvelous marriage with most beautiful and freethinker,…adolescent gorgeous girls consecutively or migration to overseas fulfillment or nope?
Please decode from never give up phrase too.
So severe forewarnings:
Bearing in mind long lasting so criminal and conspiratorial and unforgivable and unforgettable and irreversible time dreadful and demonic darkness and disasters and deceits and discriminations with eternal anguishes aftermath:
1- Either my marriage or migration to overseas and only and only of them must occur just according to my frequently pre-said guidelines and guide directions in best pleasurable possible forms by all means at once!
2- since a lot of persons with radio and TV broadcasting centralities believe on my marriage glad tidings has truth and from their point of views a very marvelous girl from looks and character wait for me and she will wed me soon or late certainly and even betweenwhiles they congratulate her wedding with me with art languages in advance as well:
Firstly mentioned girl as my future first wife must have maximal overlaps with my favorite triplet marriage standards necessarily!
Secondly it expect that it adopt attitudes that all of her qualities from her age and appearance and lifestyles and hates and hobbies and originality and full name and family structure ,…be clarified for me elaborately in advance at once! Such a way that I can portray her body members and her favorite lifestyle,…in my mind beforehand too.
Thirdly, she should shorten her wedding trend with me just according to my shoulders and shoulders in shortest time span and without on moment hesitation she wed me erotically and eagerly. not she postpone her wedding time with me until after 3 or 4 members of my family consecutive sacrification and till resurrection morning she test and tantalize and traumatize and torture me maliciously too. and even in this case, she give green light to Satanists in order to sicken and slay and sacrifice more numbers of my familiars and fans,…in future in turn in practice proficiently too. and in practice She play personified Satan and serial killer and source of sedition and silent genocides and my familiars and fans,…hunter and immolator and ahmadi physician (a very foul and fetid and poop physician that slaughtered independent intelligentsia strata,…by his air ampoule injection in Pahlavi dynasty epochs hideously and hellishly) roles and she become retrogressed to the lowest of the low too.
Fourthly after her erotically and immediately wedding with me she adopts methods and policies that I become exhilarated and ecstasized and eroticized with her everlasting.
And in order to these terrific things fulfillment she should regulate her erotic life and married life and lifestyle,…with my favorite pre-said prescribed ones as much as she can.
Fifthly her married life and cohabitation and companionship and comradeship with me never must be calamitous and clamorous and costly. Such a way that it necessitates that more numbers of my familiars and fans be immolated by medical and non-medical felonies even in genocide-kind forms too. Because in this case, according to immortal karma laws all of time satanic customs and time sufferings and sorrows backfire to a lot of persons with my future wives and cohabitants,…centralities right similar boomerang soon or late certainly as well.
Sixthly in length of her married life and cohabitation and companionship with me my other familiars and fans…must be encountered with unexpected pleasurable experiences and they must be immunized from time oppression and calamities and conspiracies forever too.
Of course above mentioned criteria that have hugely positive effects on my married life stability and shine isn’t restricted to my future first probable wife merely. Rather, it is generalized to all of my future wives and cohabitants and concubine mistresses,…eternally as well.
Altogether, taking into consideration long term terrible time tyrannies and tartarus and tribulations and tests and tricks and traumas and tragedies and tardiness,…I intend to earmark my remaining golden longevity to sensualism and sybaritism with my future nymphet and nymphomaniac and nice,…partners as my prime permanent priority and plan and pressing need and profession and my favorite multi-colored extracurricular plans and tasteful hobbies and refresher abroad journeys pursuits as my marginal tasks too.
In a nutshell, I want to feel high henceforth and I want to become sunk back into voluptuosity and as mush as I can I voluptuate too.
Meantime my popular permanent philosophy and thinking system and lifestyle,… revolve on hedonism and Epicureanism and eroticism and sensualism and sybaritism and alike in so superb circumstances too.
What is that (or the) hell?
Why on one of our current town young boys t-shirt has been written above mentioned phrase recently?
Who is or are his and especially his backstage trainers audiences:
My miserable and metamorphosed,…brother
My future first probable wife and her familiars and fans
Our foes and fans
He tantalized and tested me
Mentioned sentence didn’t relate me,…?
Perhaps mentioned boy and his trainers have angle with my hermeneutic from hell and heaven,…words and for instance they look at any phenomena with racists and fascists and medievalists and other shit Satanists smoked glasses and that is why they’re infuriated from my terrific thinking systems and they suppose that I’ve hellish ideologies,…in mere mistake. Maybe not too.
Of course it seems that above-mentioned sentence has grammatical problems and it must have been written:
Where is that hellish person?
Perhaps not too.
Stay that only aforesaid sentence is proper and profound on condition that it hinted to my sworn foes and long lasting time oppression and calamities and conspiracies creators. Or else it is fundamentally wrong and only satanic sects and their inwardly blind imitators invert facts flagrantly through these improper sentences,…uses!
As before some of shops so sexy and beautiful manikins and dummies put in positions in front of me as if they wanted to make their jovial female owners and especially my future nymphet and nympho partners so pleasurable sexual intercourse association of ideas in advance.
Meantime as before when I turn TV or radio sets on, some of their female audiences and actresses,….make a scene and mimic and act as if they were sexual intercourse with me enthusiastically and lasciviously.
It seems that they are my future partners with my future first probable partner pivot representatives too and they want to transmit my future wives and cohabitants,…with my future first wife centrality amorously and erotically messages to me before now too.
Even some of shops sexy manikins jeans zippers put in opening case or their sexy bras are in particular positions as if they’re preparing themselves for so pleasurable sex with me.
Of course I welcome from these kinds of superb symbolic messages with eroticism centrality on condition that my above mentioned association of ideas on them were true and I expect that they carry on these good things extremely and extensively after this and eternalize as well.
Meantime it seems whether mentioned sexy manikins or other different groups of girls with their appropriate erotic body languages and mimicries and mysterious messages and jargons and acting,… want to show my future nymphet first probable wife erotic feelings on me in advance as well.
Okay! I welcome from these sexy symbolic ways too.
Why betweenwhiles some of people train their male and female children that they scream in front of me purposefully or on some of cars has been portrayed alien screamers!
Do they want to inform me,…from future end of the world kind miseries that entangle us too or nope?
After this, it seems mafia bands and mafia gangs and satanic sects and superb sects have limitless gigantic powers anywhere and as before they play deity or demon roles and they’ve fenced and occupied alley and street and radio and TV broadcasting,…in practice too!
It expect that all of them be deciphered for us henceforth and we understand that which of them are supreme or shit and or gorgeous or gang and or blissful or disastrous and or pros or cons,…inherently as before?
Altogether, it expects that if as before my marriage isn’t feasible properely, it adopts attitudes that I abandon my satanic-stricken country idealistically right away.
Rather, if my marriage is okay and a gorgeous girl, right similar shops sexy dummies and manikins from looks stance and my love Lolita and lilita and my other favorite preteen and teen foreigner superstars doppelganger from characters and age and appearance and lifestyle,…aspects want to wed me enthusiastically and her wedding glad new with me is true totally, it expect that my future nymphet and nympho and nice,…probable first wife wed me just according to my dos and don’ts in so supreme circumstances immediately. not she postpone her wedding time with me till after 3 or 4 members of my family consecutive immolation that miserably 2 or 3 of them have been immolated heartlessly hitherto too.
Instead, she severely become sacred to death and she quake with fear continuously a lot and she shirk and shun from times demons dreadful and dangerous decrees and she shorten her wedding time with me and as long as she doesn’t clear her wedding duty on me, she should be subjected of so severe shocks and stresses ceaselessly for the sake of her wedding putting off with me (with gigantic grisly eternal aftermath) and tantalize me and she dread drastically from karma laws mechanism automatic activation on her beforehand too.
Because even if I want to hinder from karma laws appropriate activation on her, it run automatically.
albeit if she lag her wedding time with me or turn it to calamitous and clamorous and costly and confusingly,…routes, I count her as so criminal and gang and garbage and ghastly girl that not only exonerate Satan but also outrun from Satan too and even under these circumstances how often I will resort to remarkable retaliation measures on her before of karma laws mechanism appropriate activation on her preemptively too.
So, to shorten my marriage to migration to overseas trends just according to my shoulders and shoulders isn’t arbitrarily options at all. Instead! they’re absolutely obligatorily and one of these 2 none alternative options must happen by all mean right away.
Now, I’m preparing myself in order to overindulge in sybaritism and sensualism with all of my future so passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen and teen partners before now, as my prime permanent priority and plan and pressing need and profession that I pursue them severely everlasting as well!
Game over!
Some of Satanist sects long term horrific and hellish felonies are as follows:
1- To sicken and slay and sacrifice a lot of my kin with my parents pivot by medical and non-medical felonies satanically so far!
2- To made blind my dad before his murder by medical felonies,…for long years!
3- To harass and confuse and torture and traumatize and thrash and terrorize and terrify
and fatigue my martyr parents, before their martyrdom, by one of my brothers for long years terribly! And as a matter of fact to kill them by his long term terrible gradual torture too!
4- To torment my parents through medical and non-medical felonies imposition on them for long years terribly too!
5- To adopt methods and policies that one of my brothers has been disappeared in his midst of soldieries since 42 years ago!
6- To metamorphose my other brother to a very mulish and mad and malicious and parasite and projective and psychopath and sadomasochist and spoiled and screamer and stressful and silly and selfish and anguished and anger and agitated and aggressive and liar and lunatic and noisy and naughty and nauseous and nonsense and impolite and impudent and impersonal and infuriated and intolerable and talkative and babbler and gabbler and garbage,… guy by medical and non medical felonies for long years satanically!
Meantime to harness his long term gradual tortures mechanism too. Such a way that as if he has been killed through long term gradual tortures vicariously and indirectly too!
7- To sicken him mentally since specially 43 years ago and physically since less than 30 years ago by medical and non-medical felonies satanically!
8- To harass and confuse and anger and anguish and entangle and exhaust me by him for long years too!
9- To conspire versus me in my past schools and university and workplace,…especially from after Iran revolution occurrence to now vicariously and indirectly and unmanly and criminally!
10- To threat and traumatize me vicariously and indirectly!
11- To lag and lengthen my marriage or migration to overseas (especially my marriage) trends until after 3 or 4 members of my family consecutive sacrification horridly!
12- To misrepresent and misinterpret and invert facts flagrantly!
13- To embroil us (familiars and strangers) skillfully and satanically!
14- To crave my familiars and fans casualties statistics enhancement through medical and non-medical felonies satanically such a way that water doesn’t move from water too! And if my fans and I don’t become resorted to so dreadful retaliation measures and continuous decoder-kind and discloser-kind responses, it is likely that demonic forces and their inwardly blind imitators that have mushroom-kind growth everywhere miserably machinate against them too!
15- To harass and confuse and tantalize and traumatize and torment and fatigue,…me as before!
16- in spite of I’ve received my marriage glad news from about 25 years ago extensively, not only satanic sects have adopted methods and policies that they’ve prolonged and postponed its trend terribly so far, but also they’ve conspired versus me in my last poop and polluted university and workplace,…and some of familiars and strangers have accused me as a liar and illusionist,…person impudently or ignorantly too!
17- To have our silent genocides sinister schemes and nasty plots scenarios in their nasty brains through medical and non-medical felonies from olden times ago and especially from less than 3 decade ago to now satanically too!
18- To acquit Satan strikingly so far!
19- To perpetuate my fans and I,…so appropriate aversions and animosities and abhorrence and revenge passion properly and progressively!
20- To metamorphose different groups of people to Satan corps and Satan imitators and Satan speakers and source of sedition and calamities and conspiracies and retrogress them to too rubbish and ruffian and rascal and hypocrite and hellish and hateful and heartless and metamorphosed persons that exonerate Satan too!
21- To turn different places to misfortune moats and cannibalism centers and ahmadi physician clinics and football stadiums and boxing rings and wrestling saloons and hellish labs and neo-Nazi forces haunts and satanic sects hang out and slaughterhouses and public WC and loony bins and teahouses and gladiators wars squares,…!
22- And so on!
Which of following options can decode from long term and how many with 100 years old oldness time dreadful and demonic darkness and disasters and diseases and deaths and deceits and discriminations cause of causes and creators and performers and vice versa which of following options have played time calamities and conspiracies repulsive roles:
1- World discovery!
2- World sufferings and sorrows and customs!
3- World powers!
4- World system!
5- Christopher Columbus exploration!
6- Hong Kong tea ceremony that its Iranian version is kashefol-saltane!
7- Iranian mafia gangs and satanic sects past and current and future felonies aftermath!
8- Foreigners mafia gangs and satanic sects past and current and future felonies aftermath!
9- My past schools especially revolution tulips high school located in Tehran metropolis!
10- My past universities especially Isfahan university!
11- Tehran metropolis!
12- Isfahan metropolis!
13- Tehran University!
14- Isfahan University!
15- Safavid dynasty!
16- Safavid dynasty demolition aftermath!
17- Pahlavi dynasty!
18- Pahlavi dynasty collapse consequences!
19- King enigma!
20- King of hell!
21- Game of throne aftermath!
22- Wolves wars consequences!
16- Imam behest!
17- Iran kings and leaders deaths consequences!
23- World leaders death consequences!
24- World change consequences!
25- Iran change consequences!
21-Tehran metropolis future probable doomsday-kind earthquake aftermath!
22- Racism and fascism and medievalism and obscurantisms and different forms of apartheids systems so nasty and nauseous and nonsense laws and legitimacy and lifestyles aftermath!
23- World war 3 aftermath!
24- Deity decree!
25- Demon deceit!
26- Interpol symposium in Isfahan metropolis long term consequences!
27- Time custom (oppression)!
28- Big Satan!
29- Renaissance movement cost!
30- Dark ages epochs decline consequences!
31- Medievalism epochs sunset and renascence eras sunrise consequences!
32- And so forth!
Indeed, as before who play deity and demon and death angel and azrael and big Satan roles especially with disastrous and demonic dimensions and outlooks whether in national or international spheres skillfully?
Altogether, please appraise my deciphering-kind discoveries in different domains and then apprize me appropriately!
Are my association of ideas and intuition and insight and mind readings abilities on multifarious fields are true or false or imperfect?
Please give a grade to my mind reading and intuition and insight and association of ideas and six sense capabilities and abilities in different spheres separately and simultaneously!
Am I a very vigilant and cognizant and conscious and enlightener and intelligentsia and intellectual and informed,…guy in different domains especially on demonology origins and long lasting time tyrants and troublemakers and tantalizers and traumatic and tragic events creators and executors and executioners or nope?
Are my various surrealistic and symbolic analyses on long term disasters and diseases and deaths and deceptions and discriminations,… creators and performers true or false or imperfect?
How about on my marriage momentous matter and its margins too?
By the way, why as before from time to time my bleak and boorish and bullshit brother say double bluffs and lie? For instance why he assert that I grab his stuffs (fruits,…)hiddenly?
Whereas conversely, he grabbed my money,…previously!
Meantime I give notably discounts him on home expenditures as before too.
In here he lie for the sake of his so sadistic tendencies satisfaction or he say double bluffs and lie because he is under so severe stresses from his long lasting sexual instinct suppression and then he lie because he want to project and relieve his cumulative complexes or he mock and say double bluffs because he suffer from his long term loneliness or he lie due to his concoction-kind calmative medicines negative side effects and that is why he hallucinate or all of them or none of them or other things that I don’t know?
In any case, why as before my bleak brother play the devil and pick quarrels and project and mock and mimic and jabber and gibber and say double bluffs and yell and yuk,…stressfully and sadistically and crazily and desperately and nauseously?
Please decode from my metamorphosed and mad and mulish and malicious and miserable and bleak and boring,…brother barbarian-kind behaviors too!
Please pay deep attention that before his first referral to psychiatrist and before his entrance in Tehran university as medical student and before his immigration to Tehran metropolis his mental system was so better relatively too.
It seems as if his study in Tehran University and his reference to psychiatrist and his inhabitancy in Tehran metropolis has madden and metamorphosed him gradually and increasingly!
Stay that his long term too terrible lust repression has had hugely role in his nervous system gradual collapse too!
I have to say that he has been subjected of long term time tyrannies and tartarus and tricks too.
Just as my martyr parents and I,….have been exposed of long term time tyrannies and tartarus and tricks too.
As I’ve said frequently satanic sects and their inwardly blind imitators have had hugely roles in my unlucky brother long term madness and malice and metamorphosis and psychosis and sadomasochism by medical and non-medical felonies satanically and skillfully!
In any case, as before my brother harass and confuse and anger and anguish me markedly too. Because he has turned our home to garbage can and house of mourning and under his selfishly and sillily monopoly and he suffer from his long term terrible loneliness and libido repression remarkably too. Of course his so called concoction-kind calmative medicines has worsened his mental system strikingly too.
But from my standpoint his long lasting sexual instinct suppression has been his madness and metamorphosis and malice and inflammation and psychosis and sadomasochism cause of causes and his long term lust dreadful repression has metamorphosed him to a person with collection of moral rascalities too!
That is why as before he rampage and wrangle and play the devil and pick quarrels and project and say double bluffs and scream and mock and mimic monsters and rabid beasts sounds and yell and yuk and jabber,…insanely and desperately and stressfully and nauseously or he masturbate in remembrance of people lascivious girls and women!
Anyway it expect that it adopt attitudes that my metamorphosed and mad and mulish,…brother doesn’t become one difficulty added to another a lot and he doesn’t blow out my brains worse than killjoy by his so sadomasochism-kind and projective and nauseous and nonsense,…talks and tasks hereafter!
Meantime it expects that his close kin assist him immediately and they perform my unique humanistic elixir-kind guidelines on him as soon as possible!
I mean that they keep him collectively and consecutively and kindly and after his so shattered nervous system relatively recovery and cheer him up, find a suitable girl for him and couple him at once!
Because his permanent so severe stresses and narcosis and inflammation and sadomasochism and psychosis,…cure have been revolved on these central things fulfillment mainly!
Particularly since he is a satyr guy genetically and it seems his past fishy psychiatrists,…adopted methods that his hormones that regulate his sexual instinct were aroused a lot, so he must has been cured by sex-therapy from olden times ago and preferably from his adolescence times at the outset and it necessitated that his close kin have coupled him from olden times ago too.
Meantime I expect that instead satanic sects and their blind-hearted imitators put off my marriage or migration to overseas trend till after my bleak and boring and barbarian brother immolation in so called resurrection morning, at the outset his close kin fulfill my alchemy-kind recommendations on him as soon as possible and concurrently my marriage or migration to overseas fulfill just according to my dos and don’ts in so superb circumstances immediately as well.
It seems as before in practice some of familiars and strangers and even TV and especially radio announcers,…expect from me that I feed and curry and tolerate my very intolerable and infuriated brother by myself and grin and bear it from this stance strikingly too.
Although as before they act and deny this matter in practice too.
This is while as before my brother toleration is as Herculean task that need to so severe self-control and restraining of anger and magnanimity and munificence and mortification!
That is why his familiars have banned and repelled him from olden years ago to now too! And except of my martyr parents, when they were alive, and I no one has accepted his keeping and feeding and currying and toleration so severe responsibility ever since as well!
I hope that from now on, everybody gives up evil thoughts and deeds and satanic disasters and diseases be repelled from all of us and all things become so much the better. And it necessitate that only and only my very philanthropic guidelines and guide directions be performed on different fields elaborately.
Return to my momentous matter:
As I’ve said frequently, I’ve been exposed of long term traumatic and tragic and tormenter and tantalizer tribulations and tests and satanic sects have adopted methods and policies that my childhood and adolescence and youth,…times have been withered in practice and my best life times that must have been allocated to my extravagant eroticism have been diverted to traumas and tragedies and tribulations and torments toleration by force ever since unfortunately!
That is why as before I’m very angry and anguished and plaintiff and protestor properly and progressively too!
Please empathize and sympathize with me and justify me absolutely. Because as before I’m in the right completely! Of course not according to racism and fascism and medievalism and despotism and different forms of apartheids and alike literature and laws and lifestyles and legitimacy that in these so nasty and nonsense and nauseous thinking systems,…all things are vice versa!
Anyway, keeping in mind long term too unforgivable and unforgettable and irreparable and insulting and impudently time oppression and calamities and conspiracies and serial killing and killing of times and gradual persecutions and nasty plots and sinister schemes with eternal traumatic aftermath as well, I intend to allot my rest golden longevity to overindulge in sybaritism and sensualism with my future nymphet and nymphomaniac and nice,…partners permanently!
Because my prime permanent priority and plan and pressing need revolve around this momentous matter that must have been fulfilled on me from even my adolescence times too!
Stay that I will welcome from my favorite multi-colored extracurricular plans and tasteful hobbies and refresher abroad journeys pursuit henceforth too! Of course as my marginal aims and plans!
Currently, I wait for my marvelous marriage or migration to overseas fulfillment just according to my shoulders and shoulders in so superb circumstances in shortest time span and it expect that one of them take place pleasurably and idealistically and immediately by all means!
Even if one of these two non-alternative options takes place currently, it is too terribly and tormentingly and troublesomely and traumatically and tragically late too!
Stay that times tyrants have prolonged and postponed them heartlessly hitherto!
Because they’ve had so criminal minds and calamitous intentions and nasty plots and sadistic tendencies and sinister schemes so far too!
Because they’ve wanted to increase my migration to overseas and especially my marriage to overseas costs and kill my times and increase my familiars and fans casualties statistics and as much as they can they hinder from one of my 2 non-alternative options occurrence and anger and agonize and anguish and confuse and harass me hugely too!
Because as before they are blinded by jealousy a lot!
Because they are either Satan or Satan inwardly blind imitators as before!
I wish you decoded from these pure poop persons and organizations,…and showed their real nasty insides for us as soon as possible!
In my previous emails,…I’ve deciphered on them symbolically and surrealistically that with passage of times their verity and or untruth will be clarified and eternal disgrace stay for coal in the end as well!
Again I assert that despite as before I receive my marriage okay even by radio and tv broadcasting and their official singers,…extensively, even with more than 2 decades oldness, but from my standpoint as before I haven’t any fiancee at all. And all of news on this momentous mater are as mere lie and rumor too. Even if their claims be true totally too!
Because no common sense accept that a guy, in here I, has a fiancee, but from more than 25 years ago I’ve been tantalized and traumatized and tormented and tested terribly and criminally and insultingly and impudently and I’ve been exposed of inappropriate accusation based on daydreaming and falsification and fabrication of facts flagrantly or foolishly and a lot of traumatic experiences have imposed me impudently and I’ve been harassed and confused too!
Meantime, even if different social strata with radio and TV broadcasting centralities assertions about my marriage glad tidings truth be true and I’ve a hidden fiancee and far love from these groups of people stances, only and only mentioned girl can marry me as my future first wife that:
1- She has maximal overlaps with my favorite triple marriage standards and she matches me markedly and she fall in love me wholeheartedly!
2- She shortens her wedding trend with me and without one moment hiatus and hesitation she wed me erotically and enthusiastically and immediately!
3- Her marriage and married life with me never must be calamitous and clamorous and costly!
Of course 3 above-mentioned options aren’t restricted to my future first probable partner merely. Rather it will generalize to all of my future spouses and cohabitants and concubine lovers everlasting as well!
As I’ve said frequently I severely stress and care to my favorite trine marriage standards in order to select my future partners permanently!
Again I repeat them in a nutshell as follows:
My favorite trinary marriage standards are summarized on their age and appearance and lifestyle fundamentally!
The best ages for them are less than 15 and 15 to 17 years old in turn!
Although with a lot of do and does if they be 20 to 25 years old it may that I accept them reluctantly! But I extremely recommend that all of my future passionate and pretty and pleasant,…partners be less than 15 and 15 to 17 years old in turn to my pleasure from them become multiple!
But more than 25 years old girls never are permitted to have crush and chemistry and sex and dating with me! And their marriage and married life with me are forbidden forever!
Albeit they can be my comrades and companions eternally!
In any case, 9 to 14 years old girls that their appearance and lifestyle adapt with my favorite scales are so cool for me forever!
I wish all of my future partners were in these age span to my pleasure from them become multiple marvelously!
Because orgies and debaucheries with these groups of gorgeous girls gladden me markedly!
Anyway preteen and teen girls (in turn) are best groups of girls for me in order to extreme eroticism with them totally forever!
2- appearance:
I expect that all of my future partners be hotter than hot girls and their physiognomies be so amazing and for instance their erogenous zones be fresh forever!
I expect that all of my future partners minify and soften and whiten their pubic areas externally and tighten them internally everlasting! And their boobs never be deformed too!
Because I extremely love sexual intercourse with these groups of girls forever!
3- Lifestyle:
My future partners lifestyles has hugely pivotal importance for me forever.
On their lifestyles I subdivide it in two categories as follows:
A- Erotic life!
B- thinking system and ideology and world view and hobbies and hates,…!
On their erotic life I expect that they be nympho girls and they be hotter than popular porn stars such a way that as a result of my sex with them I become I delighted drastically everlasting!
On their thinking systems,…I expect that they’ve maximal overlaps with me. Or else they never dare to date and wed me. Because I will take complete vengeance on them and even how many I cut to pieces them cruelly too. Of course this momentous matter is exceptional on my future favorite courtesans. Though my favorite future courtesans must have maximal overlaps from 2 other central options (namely age and appearance)!
But those groups of girls that want to wed me and become my future wives and concubine mistresses must maximal overlaps with my favorite thinking system,…based on syncretism and eclectic ideologies with dynamic and modern approaches compulsorily!
Namely they be so freethinker and frisky and funny and fine and flexible and intelligentsia and liberal and libertine and naturalist and sentimental and sensualist and syncretist,….girls simultaneously with syncretism thinking systems,…based on dynamic and modern ultra hedonism and humanism and naturalism and cosmopolitanism and other popular eclectic ideologies that I adore them inwardly.
Instead, I severely shun and shirk from those groups of girls that are racist and fascist and medievalist and obscurantist and traditionalist and fogyish and reactionary and conservative and opportunist,…in order to married life,…and these groups of girls never dare to date and wed me too. Otherwise I will thrash and terrify and terrorize and torment them terribly and finally I will behead them too.
I detest from evil-hearted girls everlasting!
I disgust from those groups of girls that their marriage and married life with me be tormentor and traumatic and tragic!
Altogether, if a girl that has maximal adaptation with my favorite triplet marriage standards by all means and she want to wed me as my future first wife erotically and eagerly, she should shorten her wedding trend with me and wed erotically and eagerly and immediately. it is compulsorily not volitionally at all. Or else she never becomes pardoned. And she will be deserved hardest horrendous damnation and punishments too!
Meantime say her from me that before her first dating with me in order to wed with me prepare my favorite home pets with my favorite smart and trained and cute and playful puppies and poodles pivot particularly with chow chow race(((of course if she provide my other favorite home pets including kitten and cats and parrots and nightingales,…it become light upon light. but she is permitted to provide them or not. but she should prepare my favorite home rooms puppies and dogs compulsorily)))and my favorite music and sport instruments,…beforehand by all means and then after her hugely makeup according to my favorite tastes come our current junky apartment unit and after her extreme apology from me submit her proposition me meekly and wed me subsequently and after her amorously and immediately wedding with me she exhilarate and eroticize and ecstasize me extremely and eternally. Of course in company with my other future passionate and pretty and playful and pleasant,…preteen and teen partners permanently!
Such a way that I will become sunk in voluptuosity with all of them eternally!
If my marriage isn’t ok under these circumstances, it expects that without one moment delay it adopt attitudes that I quit my calamitous country in best pleasurable possible forms right away!
Again I repeat that more than 25 years old girls never dare to date and wed me and their wedding with me are completely forbidden forever!
Instead I extremely emphasize that all of my future so beautiful and freethinker,…spouses and ladyloves be under 15 preferably and 15 to 17 secondly!
Anyway, bearing in mind long lasting time oppression and calamities and conspiracies that their traumas never become reversible too, only and only either my marriage or abroad migration to those foreign countries that I feel high into them totally, must take place pleasurably and idealistically and immediately and instead other options even in their presentation-kind phases should be eradicated and annihilated hereafter! Or else other persons with my future partners pivots will become petrified and punished properly and progressively afterward as well! And I will shatter them cruelly!
This is as my ultra ultimate ultimatum!
Please pay deep attention that I haven’t so called Noah longevity and job patience and god fortitude! And my self-control and restraining of anger and generosity and austerities aren’t endless as well!
Therfore, my marriage or migration to overseas as my prime priority and plan and pressing need must happen just according to my dos and don’ts in so superb circumstances in shortest time span by all means!
It is obligatorily not arbitrarily at all!
Meantime whatever these 2 non-alternative options trend be prolonged and postponed, a lot of persons with my future partners pivot lifetimes will be jeopardized increasingly and their punishments intensities will enhance properly and progressively! Even in their mutilation and amputation alive forms as well! And I will slaughter them worse than cow and sheep alive as well!
Such a way that others will be screwed and spoiled and ruined remarkably by karma laws and my future partners will be dismembered and decapitated by me appropriately as well!
I expect that my future partners never exculpate Satan by infringe from my favorite red lines and guidelines and guide directions and forewarning and warnings. Then I hope that in addition to they’ve maximal overlaps with my favorite trine marriage standards, they put me as their so lovely unique idol and loadstar and paradigm permanently and they worship me wholeheartedly everlasting as well!
That is why as before I extremely emphasize that merely and merely those groups of girls date and wed me as my future spouses,…that have maximal overlaps with my favorite trinity marriage standards and they match me not mismatch me at all to our pleasure one another become numerous!
Anyway as before I haven’t any fiancee at all and even if some of my(unfamiliar) matchmakers have selected a girl for me as my future first wife, without they have coordinated with me too before now, I hope that mentioned girl match me marvelously and she has maximal convergence with my favorite triplet marriage standards and without one moment delay she wed me just according to my shoulders and shoulders in so supreme conditions in shortest time span such a way that one month later at this moment she and I, right alike popular porn stars, be canoodling and smooching and sexing each other ceaselessly and greedily and pleasurably and with passage of times their numbers increase as well to my rejoicing become multitudinous everlasting!
Because from this time on, my prime priority and plan and pressing need revolve on my orgies and debaucheries with them separately and simultaneously!
Anyway, if my marriage glad tidings has truth and mentioned girl that want to wed me as my future first wife has maximal overlaps with my favorite fundamental trinity marriage standards and she match me but she shun and shirk from her instanter wedding with me, as a matter of fact she is exonerating Satan and she retrogress and she is turning to my main torturer and she play personified Satan and serial killer and source of silent genocide and sedition and time ruthless vampire and Dracula roles simultaneously and she will be metamorphosed to pure putrid poop and so bad omen garbage girl too. Even if she detests from these so hateful and heinous and hellish qualities innately or Satanist sects don’t let that she shortens her wedding trend with me too.
That is why as before I extremely emphasize that she should be subjected under so severe stresses and shocks and she be scared to death and she be intimidated a lot continuously in order to take her final decision based upon her wedding performance or cancellation with me! Otherwise I will be coerced that punish her hugely, even in form of her butchery and beheading alive appropriately as well, as her minimum punishments!
Because under these circumstances, as if I were slaughtering my main persecutor and my familiars and fans hunter and immolator and slaughterer and incarnated Satan,…spontaneously and properly!
Please pay deep concentration that under the plea of my marriage okay, I’ve been tantalized and tormented and traumatized and tested from about 25 years ago to now horribly and heinously and hatefully and hellishly and even Satanists sects have adopted methods and policies that I’ve been harassed and confused and angered and anguished,…by my metamorphosed brother a lot too.
So, it expect that mentioned girl, of course if she exist and she has my favorite trinal marriage standards and she match me and she fall in love me from her bottom of heart and she can rejoice and refresh and rejuvenate me markedly(((of course along with my other future favorite passionate and pretty,…preteen and teen partners)))she should wed me just according to my shoulders and shoulders and expectations immediately and she doesn’t postpone her marriage time with me until after 3 or 4 members of my familiars immolation in turn that miserably 2 or 3 of them have been immolated heartlessly hitherto too.
Please say her from me that I’ve hugely hastiness. Because my gone longevity never return me!
If I was instead her, I was become frightened to death drastically!
I hope that she doesn’t revive my animosity and abhorrence and aversion and antipathy and unyielding revenge flames and rather she wed me erotically and eagerly and immediately and then she ecstasize and exhilarate and eroticize me extremely and eternally. Of course in company with my other future passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen and teen partners permanently to as a result of extravagant eroticism with them I will become frantic with joy forever!
Stay that as before some of social strata with radio and TV broadcasting centralities assimilate my future first probable wife wedding with me with Iran revolution recreation and triumph and Iran last kingdom dynasty frustration and Iran last king flight from Iran and Tehran metropolis milad tower rebirth and resurrection day emergence as well!
They say as if her wedding with me were as end of the world festivity too!
It seems as if I were symbolized sunset of dark ages epochs and sunrise of renaissance and enlightening splendid eras simultaneously!
Meantime they say and behave as if my continuous complaints and informative and inspiring and enlightener and decoder messages whether on my marriage momentous matter or on other different domains similar Satanism sources and demonology origins,…turned me to a very blockbuster and popular person that narrated historical events chronologically.
And they assimilate me with best calligrapher and shahnameh(epic of kings)writer and so more precious than diamond symbolically too!
Meantime as if my marriage were similar Turcoman–chai treaty signature and Turcoman girl were wedding with me too!
And it seems that not only my future first nymphet,…probable wife wedding with me has national dimensions but also it has international dimensions too.
Such a way that as if deity and dragon and world and Hafez shirazi,…were wedding too!
Or it says as if my future first wife and I were moon and sun! In other words as if one planet, namely moon as my future first wife, and one star, I mean sun as I, were marrying each other in the Milky Way galaxy too!
In any case, whether my association of ideas from different groups of people with radio and TV and mass media broadcasting centralities claims and talks and tasks be truth or not they are tantalizing and testing and tormenting me,…without one moment tardiness either my marriage or migration to overseas and only and only one of them must occur just according to my dos and don’ts and expectations in so surprisingly and surrealistically circumstances by all means!
Because it has been hazardously and horrendously late! And my best life times have been destroyed too!
In consequence, restlessly and impatiently I wait for only and only one of them fulfillment in so superb conditions in shortest time span to I begin my orgies and debaucheries as my permanent prime plan and pressing need and priority greedily and pleasurably henceforward!
Meantime I never return to my past polluted and poisonous and pure poop university and I never become trader,…too!
Because these very morbid improper options infuriate me inherently and then it will be taken complete vengeance on a lot of persons with my future partners pivot appropriately and automatically as well!
Meantime these very inappropriate options are as carry water in a sieve and as mere madness too!
Stay that from more than 25 years ago to now all of evidence and facts have showed vividly that as long as satanic sects and their blind-hearted imitators don’t sacrifice 3 or 4 members of my family not only they allow any person get in contact with me from these hellish and hateful and polluted and poisonous and poop places but also as much as they can they harass and confuse and anger and anguish and entangle me and embroil us too.
Anyway, except of my orgies and debaucheries with my future favorite selected so sexy and sentimental and sensualist,…preteen and teen partners, as my main occupation and prime priority and plan and pressing need, and my favorite multi-colored extracurricular plans and tasteful hobbies and exhilarating abroad trips pursuit as my sideline aims, I never pursue other things too!
Meantime I never permit that my remainder familiars and fans casualties statistics increase and Satanist sects and their inwardly blind imitators sicken and slay and sacrifice more numbers of my familiars and fans once! Otherwise a lot of persons with my future partners pivot have to pay large indemnities and damages and their horrific punishments mechanism will be activated automatically and appropriately as well!
In any case, keeping in mind long term too criminal and irreparable and unforgivable and unforgettable time oppression and calamities and conspiracies I intend to feel euphoric hereafter!
I hope that as much I can I make love and make out with my future hot and horny and passionate and pretty and pleasant and playful,…preteen and teen partners henceforth and even I can break world day and night sex times records with them and eternalize my name as sex god in Guinness (or guineas or gines) book too!
My eternal doctrine is as follows:
Satyr guys must date and sex with nymphomaniac girls, especially with nymphet nympho girls greedily and ceaselessly and pleasurably and permanently!
Please say Satanist sects and their inwardly blind imitators from me:
Game over!
Hit and run times has been terminated totally!
Karma laws and boomerang and tit for tat principles never die!
Forget not the retributions for your actions!
Please decode from indeed and dream that have been written on two of my current fellow citizens that both of them have been male high school students apparently as well!
In here, indeed mean my claims on different domains from my marriage to long term disasters origins,…are true or nope?
In here dream mean I narrate my dreams especially those dreams that I see in my sleeping times or not dream mean I’m daydreamer and my association of ideas in different domains are as my daydreaming production or other things that I don’t know?
As before are these groups of people that most of them are school students tantalizing and testing me or not they’re their back of scene stimulators and trainers messengers or they don’t relate me at all?
Meantime it seems as if my high school times in Tehran metropolis(revolution tulips high school) has had hugely importance in my destiny(and even how many in my other familiars and strangers destinies in less scales) so far too!
Meantime as if I had studied in ferdowsi or even Tehran metropolis and or Iran and even in world schools, especially when I studied at revolution tulips high school, too!
Or my past schools particularly my high school were Iran past late king and leader schools and they were their game of throne territory too.
It seems as if I had studied in mine fields and misfortune moats and war fields and football stadiums and boxing rings and teahouses,…ass my schools( especially in my last high school in Tehran metropolis) too!
It seems as if I had studied in apartheid-kind schools previously too!
It seems as if one of most of disasters or blesses sources has returned to my school times particularly to my high school times in Tehran metropolis too!
Of courses perhaps my association of ideas in this sensitive sphere be untrue or imperfect too!
Stay that from 25 years ago to now from time to time some of social strata have zoned on my last high school as source of calamities or unexpecting blessings too.
It seems as if my last schools especially my last high school in Tehran metropolis had been historical places that have transformed history routes too!
It seems as if my past schools particularly my last school located in Tehran metropolis were so called time moguls or sarbedaran schools too.
I wish from this day forth you appraised my association of ideas and six sense and intuition and insight, …powers in different domains and then give grade and score for all of them to me separately and apprise me subsequently!
Indeed, am I a very will-informed and insightful and intelligentsia and enlightener and mind reader guy or nope?
If your reply be yes or no, please elucidate on them for me in detail!
Instead, don’t tantalize and test me any longer at all!
Again I severely stress that from this time on, different groups of people from familiars to strangers and from alley and street people to radio and TV anchors and announcers,…appropriate or inappropriate behaviors not only recoil to themselves and especially to their backdrop trainers and stimulators automatically but also rebound to my future partners right similar boomerang with so severe severities spontaneously too!
So, it expect that them specially my future wives,…adopt attitudes that I never become inflamed from different groups of people improper tasks and talks and even by their body languages henceforth!
Especially these momentous matters are generalized to my future partners with so more severities!
Then, my future spouses and cohabitants and concubine ladyloves must adopt methods and policies that different groups of people never dare to diabolize and pass from my red lines! Or else my future partners will be main losers and how often they will miss their longevity hideously too!
What brand of Thai tea do you use? I’m having a hard time finding a good brand. Especially one without dye.
I love this—–the photo is pulling me in. I am helpless——-. Refreshing and rich at the same time without being cloying. Awesome.
Todd this is awesome! I know this post is a year old at this point but saw it on a roundup and had to come over and pin it! Love the overflowing cup, the styling is just great!
Thank you so much Averie!! I actually was just sorting through my teas and found that box of Thai tea. I think it’s time for a float!!
I’ve never tried Thai iced tea before, but after looking at these photos, I have to try it soon! Looks spectacular!
Today, I went to the beachfront with my kids. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old
daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She put the shell
to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear.
She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is completely off topic but
I had to tell someone!
Condensed milk ice cream? How can I never have seen this before in my life. As a little kid in Brazil they sell these little packets of condensed milk that you basically just eat like go-gurt and I LOVED those things. So needless to say combining this with ice cream is genius.
I LOVE Thai iced tea. Turning it into a float just blew my mind.
My mouth is watering!! So yummy!
This looks amazing!!! Great pictures!!
this sounds amazing!
Ice cream week sounds good to me! And this float is so unique! Love it 🙂
WOW, this looks absolutely amazing! I can’t believe how I can take one look at something and crave it so badly, but that’s precisely what’s happened with this lovely iced tea float. Great idea!
So I love tea dearly, and I also love ice cream – what a genius idea on mixing these together. The pictures look great, yum!
Thanks so much Pamela!! Btw, every day should be national ice cream day in my book 😉
Bringing together two of my favorite drinks without losing the distinct quality of both! Tasty, tasty.
Wow. This looks mouthwateringly delicious! Cannot wait to try. Stellar job as always!
You just killed me. It looks a-MAZING!! Great job!!
This looks absolutely amazing. I’m going to have to buy the kitchenaid ice cream attachment just to make this!
Great recipe! But how do you make brewed Thai Iced tea?!
Thai tea is a blend of black tea, star anise, cinnamon, vanilla, orange flower water, and tamarind. Luckily, they sell pre-made thai tea blends. Brew it like you would a normal cup of tea, steeping either loose leaf or a tea bag in hot water.
The photography alone from the bloggers at Honestlyyum is worth visiting this site. And then…the food and drink recipes, DIY ideas, gadgets…you guys simply hit it out of the park. Very nicely done folks.
Not sure that Ive ever had Thai ice team but I do love icecream floats!
I may hav to try this soon.
Thanks for posting!
Oh Wow! Now this is THE way to drink iced tea! So love this!
The condensed ice cream just sounds and looks so scrumdiliumptious!
So glad to have stumbled on your blog today 🙂
Ughhhh. Looks awesome. I’m freeezing right now, so one of these and a steamy Thai beach would be awesome