Yum, We Love . . .

September 27, 2013

With no major plans this weekend, I’m slowing things down. Most people, including myself, are always looking for the easiest and fastest way to eat. Lately, I’ve been getting more and more into slow fermented foods, the kind of recipes that require a lot of time and patience. First up, homemade bread. I’ve got my proofing baskets ready– wish me luck!


One of the best parts of the weekend is definitely slowing down. Pretzel challah needs to happen in my life!

That distiller set is incredibly awesome- just Evernoted it into my husband’s Christmas gift list! Thanks for the link!

Saw this pretzel challah on pinterest the other day. I’m dying to make it. I love challah so much and this will be a nice way to switch it up occasionally.
xo Quinn

Quinn Cooper Style

I’m the same way. Simple dishes on the weekends and lots of leisurely reading. Loving that pretzel challah recipe!