Yum, We Love . . .

September 6, 2013

For the past month I’ve been on an elimination diet to test for possible food allergies. As a result, I’ve often found myself in the position of watching people eat, while I casually sip my protein shake and munch on a handful of raw almonds. So, I decided that if all I can do right now is look at food, it might as well be engaging. Right? For instance, check out these captivating images from photographer Esther Lobo, using food instead of ink to mimic a Rorschach test. I not exactly sure what I see, but it’s making me hungry.

Yum, We Love . . .

  • Probably what I miss eating the most on my diet is ice cream.
  • Looks like I better go find some chanterelles, because this I can eat!
  • Interested in becoming a bartender? I was pretty impressed with the depth of information this site had to offer.
  • Everyone, and I mean everyone needs a few good snack hacks.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

(image from Esther Lobo Fotografía)


completely fallen in love with Green Kitchen Stories! Thank you so much for the introduction!