I’ve been wanting to make my own tiered dessert stand for awhile now. However, the risk of potentially cracking perfectly precious vintage plates was seriously limiting my motivation. So after much research and time spent at the hardware store, I’ve found a foolproof way to safely drill holes into porcelain. You’ll need a power drill and perhaps another set of hands but trust me, it’s totally worth it and actually super easy. Plus, they make fabulous gifts for mom!
You’ll need:
- a set of 2-3 vintage plates
- cakestand hardware set (which includes a screw, a metal washer, & 5 foam washers)
- a power drill
- a diamond drill bit
- a permanent marker
- a screwdriver
- water
- wood block
Make sure the diamond drill bit will create a hole large enough for the brass fittings to fit through. Insert the bit into the drill. Using a permanent marker, mark a small X over the center of the plate.
Place a plate over the wood block. Pouring a few drops of water over the mark will help lubricate and cool down the drill bit while drilling and prevent the plate from cracking. Hold the drill at a 45 degree angle and at a slow speed, start drilling over the mark. Slow and steady is the key – do not apply too much pressure. Let the drill do the work! It helps to have someone hold the plate steady while the drill is in action.
Once a notch has been made in the plate, slowly tip the drill upright at a 90 degree angle and apply only the slightest bit of pressure downwards. Add a few more drops of water if necessary. Remember, pressure and heat will crack the plate – be sure to keep very low pressure and keep the bit cool.
After about 20-30 seconds, the bit should pierce directly through the plate. Repeat the same steps for the other plates. After each plate is cleaned, insert the screw and a washer from the bottom of the largest plate.
Place a foam washer over top of the plate. Screw on the first fitting and tighten with a screwdriver.
Add a another foam washer over the fitting before adding the second plate.
Continue alternating washers, fittings, washers and plates.
Your dessert tray is finished!
They’re ready for just about any sweet treat. I also like to use them as jewelry stands for rings and bracelets. Have fun!
(images by HonestlyYUM)
How much weight can this center stand support?
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( http://www.tea time creations.com ) they will do Free drilling & great pricing on cake stand hardware
You put the lime in the councot and drink the article up.
I found lots of hardware on amason. just put in cake stand hardware in the search. just ordered mine. 🙂
would you mind telling me where to find the hard wear?i do have a diomand drill.not sure were to get stand bits.
Wow! I love this!
I’ll have to keep an eye out for a cakestand hardware set because this is so cute! I’m always seeing pretty plates in charity shops that would be great for this
very pretty! i’ve wanted to make such an etagere for such a long time…
I linked to your tutorial on my blog – thanks for sharing!
♥, doro von Hand zu Hand
This is so cool! Does the drill bit have to be diamond?
Yes, the bit has to be a diamond drill bit. It drills through ceramic and porcelain the best.
Wow! This is amazing–love how it turned out. Didn’t even know that you could do this at home…I want to try this so badly!
I have all these same plates. I collect the vintage plates with the 22 ct gold trim. This is beautiful!!! Very Victorian! I have the same ????? Where to buy the hardware? I have the bit. For the other followers I found all mine at antique fairs, flea markets & thrift stores. Been buying them for about 10 yrs., paying from .50 to 8.00 depending on condition and size. I got to go plate shopping!
I feel truly blessed to have met you ladies. You are such a delight! I wish you both tremendous success and happiness. Thank you so much for everything! Can’t wait to collaborate again! xo
This is going on my to-do list! soo pretty!!
This is so awesome! I didn’t even know you could buy the hardware for a cake stand! I am definitely going to try this! Great idea!
I am so NOT a crafty person, but this is brilliant. I feel empowered (ha!) already. Will be searching out the materials tomorrow. Thanks!
What a great DIY! I love it.
I’ve been thinking of making a cake stand but was going to use old candle sticks and plates. This is a much better option.
The plates you used are so beautiful. Where did you get them?
Such a great gift for mother’s day.
Thanks for sharing.
xo Quinn
Quinn Cooper Style
@Quinn they are from Dish Wish (link in the supply list). Laura sells and rents out the most GORGEOUS vintage plates!