Warning: I’m about to get really nerdy for a moment. Feel free to skip to the bottom of the post for the shake recipe. FYI, I’ve been drinking them for dinner all week and still can’t get enough . . . almost a gallon of ice cream later. Oyy!! Anyway, on to the dorky stuff. I think I’ve mentioned before how big of a fantasy sports geek I am. Well, this year I played in four baseball leagues! It was probably a few too many, but hey, there’s only so many productive things you can do while lying awake at 5am with a screaming baby. Also, given that my beloved Oakland A’s were a mess this year, a little extra motivation was required for my baseball consumption. Miraculously I managed to finish in first place in two of the four leagues!! Both wins came down to the wire. You should have seen me last weekend, frantically switching between one random baseball game to another, the occasional football game in between. What a mess I was/am. At least my recent milkshake habit didn’t start until after the season ended. Even I have my limits.

- 2 cups chocolate ice cream
- 2 oz whole milk
- 4 tablespoons malted milk powder
- 1 1/2 oz Fernet Branca
- Add the ice cream, milk and malted milk powder to a blender. Blend until smooth.
- Pour into a tall, chilled glass, top with Fernet Branca and serve.
(images by HonestlyYUM)
Now this is a milkshake! Absolutely dreamy!
I love your style in photography, it’s gorgeous! You’re so talented!
Everything about this. Can you PLEASE come teach me how to take drink photographs (or just any photograph?)?! I don’t think I’ve ever had fernet too!
I saw this on fb, and I’ve been saying ‘fernet fernet fernayyyyyyy’ all day. It’s time to make one!
PS Happy Anniversary!
I used to dislike Fernet for its Jagermeister-mouthwash vibes but after having it in an Irish coffee type drink with half and half, rum, bitters and condensed milk foam I finally see its place in the world. This milkshake sounds like it would be ideal.
It’s probably bad how easily I can convince myself that a milkshake is a meal. This recipe looks dangerously good, I’m all for it!!
milk and icecream is a good source of protein and dairy which means good for breakfast right????