Yum, We Love . . .

January 10, 2014

I haven’t really mentioned it here on the blog, but I’m a huge sports fan. I mean HUGE. So for me, this time of year is less about resolutions, and more about football. While everyone else is starting the year off with a healthy foot forward, I’m over here crumpled up on the couch shoving my face full of chocolate-dipped churros, and of course, cheering for my 49ers.

Yum, We Love . . .

  • Now this is how you start your day.
  • Smoked. Bone. Marrow. Fudge.
  • Stay warm my friends.
  • It was never a question of if, but when.
  • Apparently you aren’t a real celebrity until you have your own tequila.
  • They just don’t make ’em like they used to.

Enjoy your weekend, and go Niners!!

(image from Call me cupcake)


What a great little discovery. Sorry about your Niners but they sure came close (lots of bad calls too). We are new to northern California (and football) but are lovin’ the climate and this site!

*Blush* Thanks so much Todd!! Wish I could send you a big bowl of it now!

LOVING all the soup recipes as I am actually collecting them. Also, can we talk about Linda’s churros? Ah transports me back to Spain. xxx

Link Love