Fig Thyme Cocktail
A wonderfully aromatic pisco cocktail made with fresh figs and thyme
For the cocktail
For the thyme simple syrup
For the thyme simple syrup
  1. Add sugar and water to a small saucepan and stir on medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Once dissolved, add thyme and let simmer for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove thyme and pour into a heat-safe glass jar.  Let cool before using in your cocktail. This can be refrigerated for up to two weeks
For the cocktail
  1. Add the fig (quartered) and thyme simple syrup to the bottom of your mixing glass. Break up the pieces of fig by muddling lightly. If your fig is nice and ripe you probably won’t even need a muddler. I used my barspoon!
  2. Once muddled, you’ll immediately notice the vibrant colors of the fig bleeding into your glass. Next, fill your mixing glass with ice, and add the remaining few ingredients.
  3. Snap your shaking tin on top of your mixing glass and seal it into place with a firm whack with the palm of your hand. Give it a good shake for a full 10 seconds. Make sure you smile, especially if you’re alone at home with your dog (like me)!
  4. Crack open your shaker and double strain through a fine mesh strainer into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a sprig of fresh thyme and half of a fig.