Avocado Toast with Furikake

April 27, 2015

I’ve been through a few variations of avocado toast addiction, but this one is worth sharing.  For those of you not familiar with furikake, it’s a Japanese seasoning usually made of sesame seeds, salt, sugar and seaweed, although it comes in various flavors.  About a month ago, I started sprinkling it onto my avocado toast in lieu of my normal lemon-salt-pepper mixture and I haven’t stopped eating it like this since.  I add a dash of togarashi for some heat but you could add any kind of spice.  You can find furikake and togarashi in the ethnic aisle of some supermarkets, but not all will carry them. Your best bet is going to a Japanese market (which will certainly carry these), or ordering them on Amazon. They’re totally worth seeking out as they’re relatively cheap and will last a while. Happy snacking!

Avocado toast with furikake


Avocado toast


Avocado toast with furikake and togarashi
Avocado toast




  • Place the sliced avocado on your toast and drizzle with tamari, soy sauce or salt and sprinkle with generous amounts of furikake.  Add a dash of togarashi for heat.

(images by HonestlyYUM)


This is amazingly tasty. You’re right. For low carbers, simple avocado slices sprinkled with furikake, especially salmon furikake, is also amazing.

Thank you for the idea of what to do w my bottle of furikake!

Can’t eat it any other way now! Well, I can but this is my favorite!

Mmmm love Furikake! I never thought of sprinkling it on avocado though… thanks for the tip! I would do this avocado and poached eggs and let the oozy egg yolk soak up the furikake… yum..

Ok, furikake is on my list of new spices to try! I feel like you and Todd always introducing me to new things, which I love!

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